ukrainian russian

Yakovlev Vitaliy Viktorovich - master of gr. ÏÒ97á of branch "Industrial Heatenergetics" of physic -metallurgy faculty of Donetsk national technical university.

I was born on 17 of January in 1980 in Donetsk. Since 1997 I have been a student of DonNTU by the speciality of "Industrial Heatenergetics".

The subject of scientific interests are protection of an environment, application of alternative sources of heat, economy thermal energy and fuel. I am the authur of several articles dedicated to investigations in this area.

Currently I am doing a research under the charge of assosiated professor Kondratskiy V.L. related to investigation of optimization systems heat supply residential building which is the subject of my work for master's degree - "Optimization systems heat supply residential buildings by criterion economy energy".

The area of interests which are not assosiated with scientific activity is Internet, sport and fishing.

Master's dissertation Chief Electron library