Subject of the magistracy dissertation: " mining of a corporate telecommunication network for conditions company Jordantelekom ".
The principal of the magistracy dissertation: Bessarab V.I.
The plan magistracy dissertation
1. Analysis of existing telecommunication pattern of the Company.
1.1. Territorial pattern of divisions "«Jordantelecom".
1.2. Analysis of topology of a telecommunication network.
1.3. Technology entities of interplay in a network.
1.4. Feature and performance of means used in a network.
1.5. Formulation on retrofit of a telecommunication infrastructure.
2. Mining a mathematical model of a corporate network.
2.1. Choice and justification of principles of simulation of processes in a network.
2.2. Mining a mathematical model, set-up it on the particular performances.
2.3. Simulation, deriving of time responses of a network.
2.4. Analysis of obtained results and mining of the recommendation by results of Simulations.
3. Engineering realization of a corporate network.
3.1. Mining a functional diagram of a network.
3.2. Justified choice of network machinery.
3.3. Choice and justification of network technology users in a network.
3.4. Mining the recommendations on painless transferring to a designed network.
Part from magistracy dissertation
1. Analysis of existing telecommunication pattern company “Jordantelecom”
1.1 Territorial pattern of divisions “Jordantelecom”
The company “Jordantelecom” is the operative of link, affords services of a primary voice circuit and networks of access. The company has composite pattern of telecommunication webs on all Jordan which is powering up in the basic voice circuit, composed from a transit and final automatic telephone exchange on occupied points, mainlines linking these an automatic telephone exchange, network of access of the viewers of different types.
Accordingly composite vast pattern there is an own corporate web of the company, serving for sufficing internal needs last, that is matched operation of its employees, uniform corporate database, control by the company and management by orders and decrees of its telecommunication pattern.
The company is territorial encompasses six locales: Irbid, Jerash, Amman, Zarqa, Ashrafieh and Madaba. In each locale the company is represented by central office, in which one the administration of regional division of the company is, and some minor offices of service and representation were in miscellaneous cities of locales, in which one the company has the divisions and in which one the services, tendered it are afforded to the population.
Each office, central and minor, has an own local area web (local area network), some have also own ATE or mini-ATE for entities Inside corporate of telephone service alongside with customary urban and Between city. A geographic location of occupied points, in the offices of the company are, is introduced in a fig. 1
Fig. 1 - Territorial location of divisions of the company “Jordantelecom”
1.2 Analysis of topology of a telecommunication network
The corporate network of the company represents a terrestrial network the combining local area network of separate offices and, therefore, has composite architecture operating a little bit of technology and topology.
For constructing a corporate network, that is join of separate local area networks the used territorial network s are divided on two categories: a trunk network; network s of access.
The trunk network organizes peer-to-peer links between large local area networks of central offices of each locale. This web aggregates currents of a great many of subnets which are included in a network architecture of each locale by transmission of the traffic in a network of other locale.
For entities of a trunk network the digital lines will be utilized isolated.
Topology entities of a trunk network - mixed. Each central office is center of star-shaped topology the branched channels are coupled to central office of other locale on baseline topology " dot - dot".
The topology " dot - dot " is characterized as a segment of a networks linking two nodes A and B, or is the most simple example of baseline topology SDH of a network (fig. 2). In the given network it realized with the help of terminal multiplexers ŇĚ under the schema with absolute reserving such as 1+1, operating basic and standby optical modular exits channels of receiver /transmission.
The skeleton diagram of a trunking subnet of a corporate network company is introduced in a fig.3.
Fig. 2 - Topology "dot - dot" realized with usage ŇĚ
Fig. 3 - Skeleton diagram of a trunk network
For entities of network s of access linking separate offices of locale, the digital and analogue lines will be utilized isolated. The type of topology of each network of access on locale - “star”, center by which one is central office of locale. As example entities of such network type we shall esteem a network of access of locale Jerash. The central office is in city Jerash, it is center of a network of access of the locale. To it the lines from offices in other cities converge isolated.. Depending on the sizes of the local area network of deleted offices, and, therefore, of traffic, transmitted to other offices, and also adding up circumstances of progressing of a telecommunication web deleted the offices are bridged either digital or analogue isolated lines. The network architecture of access of locale Jerash is reduced in a fig. 4.
Fig. 4 network architectures of access of locale Jerash
By final stage in hierarchy the entitiess of a corporate web are the end users - local area networks of separate offices, and also remote users, connected to them.
Basically at all offices the know-how Ethernet on a twisted pair and thin coaxial cable will be utillized. The topology “star”, in second - “unified bus” will in case of the former be utillized.
For example, the local area network of central office of locale Irbid. the local area network is laied out on 3 levels of a building of office, consists of 47 computers and is parted into 3 subnets. Will be utillized thus know-how 10Base-T and unscreened twisted pair 5 categories.
The skeleton diagram of this local area network is introduced in a fig. 5
Fig. 5 - Pattern of the local area network of central office of locale Irbid
1.3 Technology entities of interplay in a network
The corporate network is difficult enough by pattern operating different basic processes entities of networks. The corporate network of the company “Jordantelecom” is divided on three hierarchic levels entities of a network (trunk network, networks of access and local area network), each will utilize the technology of interplay.
As the company itself is a service provider of link, for entities of an own corporate network to lease channels to it is not necessary, with this purpose the switching machinery of the most telecommunication network of the company will be utilized.
Besides each level contains entities of a network of technology of different levels of the pattern OSI (physical, channel, network). Let's esteem architecture of interplays in a web under the order.
1.3.1 Technology entities of interplay in a trunk network
For entities of a trunking subnet of a corporate network the system of digital hierarchy PDH, schema of hierarchy - European, level of hierarchy - third, that is transfer rate - 34 Mbit\s will be utilized. The general arrangement of a transmission channel on this speed powers up three levels of multiplexing on a transmitting end (64 Ęáčň/c®2 Mbit / c, 2 Mbit / c ® 8 Mbit / c, 8 Mbit / c®34 Mbit / c) and demultiplexing on the accepting side.
1.3.2 Technology entities of interplay in networks of access
As already was said above, for entitiess of networks of access will be utilized digital isolated for entitiess of interplay of central offices of locales with large deleted offices having the large traffic and analogue isolated lines for link with more shallow offices.
The digital isolated channel is organized on the basis of technology Ĺ1, that is transmission of a digital current on speed 2 Mbit\s. As environment of transmission the fiber-optic links will be utilized. That on isolated not all snapshots circulating in each local area network were remitted to the channel but only intended for other local network, at offices the routers are established Physical linking of an output port of routers to a data communication equipment - interfacing RS-449 with the system DSU/CSU.
The analogue isolated channel used in networks of access is 4 wiring voice-frequency channels, the offices are coupled one another, utilizing from 1 up to such 4 channels. The linking of the local area network through routers with transmission equipment is made by means of modems working on the standard V.34.
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