My parents were born in Palestine and lived there till 1967. When the war with Israel began, they have moved to Amman - capital of Jordan. The father began to work the teacher at school UN, where taught Arabian language, mathematician and religion till 1998.
I was born in 9th of April, 1978, that the parents were very much happy to, as I was the fifth child and maiden boy after four sisters. And all us six children - 4 girls and 2 boys.
In 6 I years has gone to school, where and studied all 12 years. In the outlet class on gov.exam I had no all a little marks to prolong teaching in Jordan. Was not much insulting, as all 12 was years by (with) I studied perfectly.
From childhood I always loved that anything to assemble and to dismantle. And likely therefore I would like to become the engineer. But for this purpose it was necessary to keep studying. Therefore I with the parents have begun to search for corporations tendering to receive formation abroad for a moderate board. The choice we have stopped on Ukraine. Was very high-gravity to part with native and to leave to one on long (long). But for a realization of the dream it needed to be made.
In 2
october 1996 I have arrived on Ukraine to Donetsk. In a start (by the beginning of) it was very difficult to get used to new atmosphere, people, and language and especially to weather. Has acted in commercial institute on preparatory faculty for analysis of Russian. The maiden word was a thank, and phrase: " I do not speak in Russian ". But in 5 months, due to mine teacher, I could already to communicate with Russian.In 1997 has acted in DonNTU on faculty CE. Studied there all maiden course. But I did not like also I was transferred on FCIT&A and now I study as a specialty TSN (telecommunication systems and networks). It is a new specialty and we shall be the maiden stream completing it, that I very much happy, as I shall be the maiden foreign student - graduate on it to.
After I have received the bachelor's degree, has decided to go in the magistracy and now through my principal Bessarab V.I. I write magistracy dissertation .