Serg Shakhoff
Previous works
Master of computers technique and informatics faculty

Thesis theme: "Complex system distribute modeling modern methods research and development"

Headmaster: A. Anoprienko


ello, it's me, Serg Shakhoff. This is my foto. And now a few word from my biography. I was born in the 1 of march 1980 in the intelligent family, but not capitalists. My native town is Zugres of Donetsk region, but it's not so important, because nobody knows it. I went to school in seven, as ordinary child, where I began to join knowledges, and to absorb them as a sponge. I become clever not so fast and when I become clever I understand that It's so late to back. That is why I graduate from school with golden medal. I knew the univercity to enter as decent school leaver. Because of light-gray vacuum cleaners called computers. But as everybody knows, pupil has no money, that is why my first computer was ZX-Spectrum. It had incredible features, not compareing with modern computers. But this computer helped me to obtain a quality new level of programming before univercity entering.

That is how I entered DonNTU FVTI.

During the studying in univercity I more prefered subjects connected with hardware programming. That is why I enlage the number of programming languages known by me. Esspecialy I like such subjects as "System programming" (lect. M. Margulis), "Operational systems" (lect. O. Shevchenko), "Networks" (lect. J. Gubar), "Network informational systems" (lect. A. Anoprienko). Main theme of students research work  was "Complex system remote modeling modern methods  research and development". After ending the results had been send to contest.

In 2001 I have obtained bachelor patent and decided to continue studying in univercity as master. In magistrasy I continue researches under the theme of my students research work  "Complex system remote modeling modern methods  research and development" under the control of A. Anoprienko. This theme is very interesting for me, because I use new technologies of remote calculations in network. That's how in my masters thesis I prepare to reseach some of remote calculation technologies and to reveal the most perspective of them applying to complex system modeling (chemical processes).

Copyright Serg Shakoff 2002