Master of the Donetsk National Technical University
Faculty : Computer Sciences
Department : Computer Sciences
Group : VT-97v
E-Mail :
ICQ : 57502665
Topic of the thesis: "Research computer networks security systems"
Lead: candidate of technical sciences, docent of department of CS Kovalev Sergey Alexandrovich
Was born in 1980 in town Makeyevka, however, almost at once has moved to Donetsk. In 1987 has gone in
the first class of school ¹ 28. At school did not show special interest to subjects, but studied successfully.
Begin work with PC at 10 years old. Since interest to IT-technologies constantly grows.
Motives of receipt in DonNTU, qre obvious, an important role that has played,
that parents finished faculty CS. At submission of documents, there was a question where it is better to enter. The question was solved
itself: during studying in 11 class has got the modem, has install Red Hat Linux 4.2, has connected to FIDO and Internet and,
has understood, that interest computer networks. And as speciality CS calls "Computer
intellectual systems and networks " the choice has fallen on it. He has entered in DonNTU, when passed a raiting tests.
During studying in DonNTU received knowledge in the programming, service and computer development.
Interest was caused with subjects connected with programming and network technologies, such as:
"The system software" - (Margulis M.B.), "Operation systems - (Shevchenko O.G.),
"System programming" - (Teplinskij S.V.), "Network and information technologies" -
(Anoprienko A.J.), "Computer Networks" - (Gubar' J.V.'). During studying took part in system
engineering VHDL Online Testing", lead
Zinchenko Y.E, and also participated in conferences devoted to development institute partnership
and to remote training.
In 2001 has got the degree of bachelor and has entered in a magistracy. From school was interested
administration, security of computer networks, developing network applications, and from the first
rate aspired to perform works in these directions. And as investigation a theme of masters thesis:
"Research the computer network security systems", the lead Kovalev S.A. In it was planned to investigate
a level of security in network devices and network operation systems to investigate methods of realization
of various attacks and ways of counteraction by it.
And also to write an application for OS Linux for the automatic analysis of security in a computer network.
In plans for the future - to work in the given direction and after protection of the dissertation, working
the network administrator or the security engineer of a corporate network.
Other interest, except studying IT is not present. At free time
is engaged in perfection of the knowledge in OS Linux, security issues and network technologies,
development home intranet.

This page was developed within the framework of a rate " Network Information Systems ",
The lead Anoprienko A.J. Last updating 25.04.02.
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