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About me...
I Was born in the Gorlovka city on July 29, 1978.
I studied at three schools № 73 (physical and mathematical speciality), 25 and 47 in the same city.
After ending 9 classes I have acted in the Gorlivka an Industrial technical school named by Rumyancev, where I have received a speciality " operation and repair of the mountain equipment ". I being trained in a technical school, was engaged in public work, participated in organization of competitions, KBH, Olympiads etc.
After ending a technical school I have acted in the Donetsk National Technical University, on a speciality " construction of mines and underground structures ", where at present I study.
I have acted in university, because after ending a technical school has decided to increase the qualification. From all specialities, offered to me, at Горно-geological faculty, I have chosen " construction of mines and underground structures ". All subjects which I studied at university, I have mastered with an estimation "well" and "perfectly". I participated in 2001 in a regional student's scientific and technical conference, for what has received the honourable letter. To 80 DonNTU on faculty " construction of mines and underground structures " the theses of the reports were published: " Explosionprotections of mining developments at drilling chinks "; " Ways of increase of quality набрызг concrete крепи of mining developments "; " a Choice of rational technology of realization of the bunker of a trunk №3 mines named by Rumyanceva ".
Theme of mine masters work which the Substantiation of safe parameters of drilling and use of outstripping chinks sounds as " at the combined technology vertical in conditions of mine named by Rumyanceva " I have chosen because , it is connected with mine in city Gorlovka, where earlier I passed practice and worked. Above this theme worked Borschevskiy S.V. On the faculty SM and US
The results of mine masters work there are reduction of expenses by fastening of mining development at construction, improvement of working conditions of the workers, safety of conducting works etc.
After ending university I want to work in a coal industry: construction of underground, underground garages, shops, intensive development of underground space etc. or I want became an aspirant.