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Sergey Tomas

The master of faculty mine survey. Group of M - 97 of
Donetsk national technical university.

Theme of scientific work:

Development of geoinformation system of forecasting of the intense condition of a massif in zones of influence of second works

Scientific adviser - Nikolay Grishchenkov

Briefly about itself

Date of my birth became remarkable spring day March, 31, 1980, the truth as far as it remarkable, I have realized hardly later when has slightly grown up. Then I have found out, that city in which I could be born, carry name Krasnoarmeysk. Here I was accepted in lines of schoolboys of a comprehensive school _9 and begun "to have a grudge", that in the future with success "crushed a granite of a science ", but about the future later.

I "Grinded" with inherent children's mischief and with all gravity what at me only might be at that time. Due to presence in our city of musical school, I was regularly immersed in the fine world of music. These procedures have made on me very strong impression: I have seen the world on the other hand, and that I have seen was healthy. Certainly, in me of the musical letter and culture, musical taste I first of all am obliged to development by the my family and to the teachers.

With the help of musical school, I have received irreplaceable experience of statements, at times and very responsible, before the big audience, have felt confidence of and own forces (and it not only due to the excellent ending of this of the first, and I think and not last, musical stage mine lives).

After last bell, notified that the ninth class of school is finished has sounded, the doors has opened for me Krasnoarmeysk lyceum "Hope". Two years I have lead the following in a proud rank of the lyceum student. Yes, we were proud of that were one rank with great and ingenious Alexander Pushkin.

Certainly, the spirit of lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo and in nice city of Krasnoarmeysk cannot be compared, but our teachers managed to create an extraordinary atmosphere in which each of us has managed to show everything, or nearly so everything, the talents. I would like to express huge gratitude to the first director of liceum to Natalia D'jachenko.

But the years in lyceum were finished and it was necessary to make a decision on receipt in a higher educational institution. Practically at once object of attention became Donetsk Polytechnical Institute: may be his glory has affected, and the decision, on that where to act may also enthusiastic responses of the brother learning into him, but anyhow, it was accepted. But now became ripe other question: on what speciality to stop? With it, it was more difficult. Test of rank I handed over the first on speciality Computer Facilities, well very much I liked to work behind the computer, but have alas failed. And then, may be at will a case, documents on participation in the following stage test of rank were handed over on a speciality of M (faculty
mine surveys), the truth that disappears under such "mysterious" name of a speciality, I at that time did not know.

This time to pass рейтинговый selection it was possible and September, 1, 1997, in a rank of the first-year student, I made first steps on twisting and very uneasy road of the Science conducting in the Temple.

Result 4 years works became intense the offer managing faculty
mine survey Grishchenkov Nikolay's affairs about the further development of the abilities, both in area
mine survey and in the field of computer engineering. I was for as the theme for a spelling of the future scientific work very closely with these abilities was bound. It sounds so: " Development GIS of forecasting of the intense condition of a hills in zones of influence of clearing works ".

If to speak about her urgency it is possible to tell the following: the tragedies which have become frequent, now, on mines of Donbass and other coal basins are investigation of an insufficient scientific substantiation of a condition of a hills in zones of conducting both clearing, and a spadework. It results in occurrence of mountain impacts and sudden emissions of coal and gas in zones of influence of regional parts of fulfilled layers and is whole. And the purpose of my work is development, on the basis of existing methods calculation of pressure and displacement of breeds by development of retinue of layers, geoinformation system for forecasting the intense condition of a hills that will allow more objectively and is proved to solve problems in an effective utilization of protective layers for struggle against mountain impacts and sudden emissions, to visualization parameters of rock mass strained state in pillar areas located between stope workings and a quantitative estimation of pressure in them.

It is necessary to tell, that at our university a number(line) of scientists was engaged and engaged in similar researches: Zborshchik M.P., Chernjaev V.I., Grishchenkov N.N.

As scientific prospects, as well as any researcher, I see opening and a scientific substantiation of new laws on which live and the mankind develops.

Date of last updating 27.04.2002y.