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Yevgeniya ShakhovaDepartment of electrical system of electrosupplyFaculty of"Electrotechnical systems of a power consumption"Subject of Master's Job :"An estimation of the distribute schemes 6-10 kW of the industrial plants"Scientific supervisor: doctor of engineering sceince, professor of the chair EPGKovalyov Alexsandr      e-mail: Shakhova@ukrtop.com |
  I was born on August 18, 1981 in the town of Makeevka of Donetsk region. My mother, Shakhova Nina , graduated from Dnepropetrovsk technical school of a railway transport on a speciality " Delivery of energy and power equipment of the railway transport" and recived qualification of a power engineering technician. My father, Shakhov Alexsandr , graduated from Donetsk polytechnical school on a speciality "Sanitary-technical device of buildings" and recived qualification of the sanitary techician .
  In 1987 I entered the comprehensive school № 15 of the town of Makeevka. During the years of study I took part in all school olympiads in all school subjects. I represented my school on region olympiads in Mathematics, Physics, History. From all school subjects I was fond of Mathematics and Russian Literature. This was a merit of those teachers which were teaching these subgects. They were competent specialists aand very interesting person. They were accepted as an integral part of these subjects. Lyubov Ageyeva showed that "in Mathematics there is a beauty as in poetsy and music". Tatyana Gurova has introduced us into a perfect and fascinating world of literature, teaching that one person must be spiritually rich. Thank them for it. I want to thank all the teachers which not only have helped us to learn so much new and interesting but also have made school years not boring and unforgettable.
  In 1998 I finished school with a gold medal and by results of rating examinations I became a student of famous Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU) .
  I have entered there because it is a University whith a global name giving posibility to pass entrance examinations ahead of schedule and in it there is such remarkable faculty - electrotechnical. I have chosen the speciailty "Electrotechnical systems of a power consumption" becase it is universal: it is possible to work at the plants of any industry, in urban electrical networks, agriculture production, design and research institutes, solving problem of projection, maintenance and management of electrical power systems of different plants. Having chosen a speciality "Electrotechnical systems of a power consumption" I did not doubt that I have made an exact choice and now, studying on 5-ht course, I 'm sure in it, because behind the experts in the field of electrical power supply will be future .
  At the University I also took part in different olympiads: on electric machines, electrical measuring, industrial electronics engineering, electrical power supply and took prize - winning places. In on olympiad on electric machines I have won the 1st place. In 2000-2001 I was a participant of the meetings of excellent students with the rector Minayev A.A. and leading lecturers of the University, and study and activities in the faculty's life.
  In 2002 I have passed the state examination and received the bachelor's degree with distinction on a direction on a direction of preparation "Electrical engineering".
  Now a days I study at the magistracy and learn an estimation of a realiability of clusters of a load of the distributive schemes 6-10 kW with my scientific supervisor, doctor of engineering science, professor of the chair EPG Kovalyov A. . I began to be engaged in reliability theory because of its proximity to Mathematics since it is based on such mathematical disciplines as probability theory, mathematical statistics, queueing theory, grapf theory, mathematical programming. I picked up the subject of master's job "An estimation of the distribute schemes 6-10 kW of the industrial plants" because of its importance and urgenc. In an electric power system on stream electric uses under the influence of the different factors that reduces in a time-out in electrical power supply. This time-out reduces in idle time of production, lowering of output, losses of property that in the conditions of market economy there is an essential value. In this connection there is a necessity for definition of ability of electrical power systems to provide uninterrupted operation of electrical supply.
  The reliability theory as self-maintained discipline has arisen in 50s years of the 20th century an item. Its basic problem is eleboration and study of methods of security of an overall performance of different plants (items, devices, systems) during their maintenance. A major role in elaboration of the reliability theory the researches of I.Bazovsky, R.Barlow, B.V.Gnedenko, B.А.Коzlоv, D.R.Cосks, А.М.Pоlоvkо, F.Prоshаn, I.А.Pyabinin have played.
 Hereafter on the chair is recognized schedule to elaborate a procedure on a reliability estimation of electrical power supply of compound circuits with major number of devices, which one will differ from existing in other industries by that three states of protective switches will be allowed: normal job, refusal such as "stopping of chain" and refusal of the cut out switch in operation at a short-circuit in the defended network element and also refusal in operation of self-acting lead of a reserve (АVR).This procedure will allow more to determine flow parameter of refusals and restorings of electrical power supply of clusters of a load, probability of no failure of a node of a load during time t, medial slice of time between an abnormal time-out in electrical power supply of clusters of a load.
  After graduating from the University I want to enter a post graduate course and to continue a research of problems of a reliability in electrical power supply. And to conclude the story about myself I want by verse of my favourite poet Boris Pasternak which it became my motto:
Во всем мне хочется дойти
До самой сути:
В работе, в поисках пути,
В сердечной смуте.
Все время схватывая нить
Судеб, событий,
Жить, думать, чувствовать, любить,
Свершать открытья...