I, Zhivykh Denis , was born on Augest 28, 1981 in city Khartsyzsk, Donetsk region. In the age of seven years I have gone in Khartsyzsk high school ¹ 25. When I was 13 I have gone in high school ¹ 26. I with success participated in Olympiads in mathematics. In 1998 I have acted in Donetsk National Technical University on Electrotechnical faculty. The reasons of receipt. The power - fundamental industry, without which is impossible existence of a modern society. And the study on a speciality " Electrical stations " gives most complete, deep and encyclopaedic knowledge in sphere the electrical engineers. For years of study in DNTU took part in regional Olympiads of an electrotechnical orientation. Theme of the dissertation: "Improvement of ways of restriction overvoltage in networks 6-10 ê at short circuits of a phase on ground". The theme is urgent, is caused by problems arising in connection with the current material condition of networks. The results of researches allow to estimate efficiency used for decrease overvoltage of methods and devices, and also to reveal directions of their improvement and to find new ways of the decision of a problem. In researches in this area the whole group of the scientists is engaged which is headed by the professor Sivokobylenko V.F. That the researches in this area of a science are important and are vitally necessary is confirmed by all becoming frequent applications for realization of researches power enterprises of Ukraine. |