GANNOVA JULIA NIKOLAEVNA Assistant of department "Applied ecology and protection of an environment". |
I am, Ermakova Helen Valeryevna, assistant of department "Applied ecology and bodyguard of encirclable surroundings", DonNTU.
I am, Gannova Julia Nikolaevna, was born on January 20, 1997 in village Divnoe, Apanaenkovskogo discreet, Stavropol territory. In childhood I visited musical school, circle of chorus and vocal, and also dansing circle.
In September, 1994 I entered in DonNTU. In July, 1999 I graduted from university on faculty "Ecologies and chemical technology" department "Applied ecology and protection of an environment" on speciality "Technology and destroy of industrial wastes" with the red diploma.
When I graduted iniversity I enter in full-time post graduated studies on speciality "Inorganic chemistry".
Teaching activity began since September, 2002 in DonNTU. Now I am by assistant of department "Applied ecology and protection of an environment". I keep courses:
Scientific interest: coordination chemistry.
My hobby: I like reading books and knittihg.