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Yefimova Victoria Vladimirovna

Yefimova Victoria

Department "Applied Ecology and Enviroment Protection"

Dissertation theme: "Obtaining and research of ceramics of an osculiferous constitution with given frame"

The scientific supervisor: Ph.D. Associate Professor Bilomerya Nickolay Yosiphovich


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I was born on January 31, 1981 in Donetsk city.

Father, Yefimov Vladimir Nikolayevich, 1958 year of birth, engineer. Mother, Yefimova Yelena Victorovna, 1958 year of birth, teacher.

Since 1988 I studied at school ¹43, Donetsk. In 1990 I moved to Makeevka with my parents, where I continued my education at school ¹15, until the 10th form. In 1996 I entered Lyceum N1 of school N 61. On April 26, 1998 I took part in the regional Olympic at chemistry. With its results I was taken in Donetsk state technical university (DonSTU), specialty "Chemical technology of high-melting nonmetallic and silicate stuffs" without examinations and interviews. So, yet not having finished school, I knew, that I shall study in DonSTU (now - Donetsk national technical university).

While I studied at university I was engaged in research work of the students under the direction of the professor Bilomerya N.Y., who is largest specialist in university on ceramics. Here I also began to participate in his activities on perfecting the "know-how" of porous ceramics with given frame of pores. The concern to this subject has come to me in a burn-time above it. I have understood relevance and prospects of usage of these stuffs in different thin chemical processes, and also has taken a great interest in the original approach of my supervisor to a method of regulation of porous frame of ceramic stuffs.

The activity in this direction on stand goes not the maiden year. The porous ceramics will be widely used in the processes of miscell purification of fluid and light-end products from impurities. Except for obtaining products with given quality, the filtration on porous ceramic stuffs is perspective for processes, bounded with environmental protection.
In connection with that nowadays in Ukraine the decay in effecting conventional ceramic and refractories is swept up, the mining of similar new thin technologies is rather perspective. It is the reason why on which it is pleasant it to participate in this direction of scientific research.

Nowadays it is early to speak about what I shall be engaged in after termination a magistracy. I plane to increase the level of my professional knowledge and skills.

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