Faculty of economy and management, speciality "International economy "
e-mail: kulish@konyshev.zzn.com
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Simultaneously with studying in school, four years I was trained at
choreographic school at Ensemble of folk dance "Donbass Youth ", after its
graduating I have passed to the deserved Ensemble of folk dance of Ukraine
"Zarevo" where I acted during six years.
In 1997 was one of the winners of international program on exchange
of schoolchildren" Freedom Support Act ".
The initial stage of my studding process would be not full if I haven't not ice about received computer skills. In 1998 I have ended biannual courses on programming and computer science at DonSTU and have received the corresponding certificate of school "Young Cybernetic".
In 1998 I has been graduated from school with a gold medal, having received
sufficient volume of knowledge on mathematics and humanitarian disciplines,
English and French that has in turn caused my choice of a speciality "International business of enterprises "
The same year became the student of faculty of economy and management of Donetsk National technical university
(DonNTU) on the chosen
speciality. The choice of university was unequivocal; DonNTU
(in the world it is known under abbreviation DPI ) was always
glorified by powerful scientific school and high qualification of
the graduates. On the second course has passed on competition
on Dutch branch of a speciality " International economy ".
1999 was marked by participation in the first for me international scientific conference and issue of my first article
With this purpose I had to get acquainted more deeply not only with the social and economic phenomena proceeding in a society, but also with technical and technological aspects of development of infrastructure of regions and countries, elements of decision-making theory, mathematical and cybernetic methods of analyzing information, ecological consequences of man-caused activity, in order to acquire new knowledge in the field of medicine and psychologies, to learn how to search, systematize and classify info, on the basis of the all-round analysis to create new ideas, for what I am rather grateful to my teachers and their colleagues, particularly thankful Dr. Shamaev Vitaliy V. I bless him for his kindness.
During the period from 1999 for 2002, I in the co-authorship and at support of scientists of our and medical university, institutes of Ukrainian and Russian NAN NAN had been prepared and published 6 scientific articles in editions of HAC.
Results received during researches have been reported by me at the following conferences:Theses and materials of reports are published in corresponding collections and works
On results of researches by me in the co-authorship two applications for inventions are prepared and at the end of 2002 the patent is received.
In 2000 as the assistant I took part in creation of software product "Monitoring of management of organization". under the order of Fuel and Power Ministry ". This product devoted to the problem of quantitative estimation of contribution of the concrete officials in the general analysises of activity of organization that has been realized in view of system integrity of hierarchy of executive authority in the organization. The software product " Monitoring of management " is realized on algorithmic language C ++ with use of library TurboVision, the structure of a DB is realized in format DBASE, reports and documentation - in codes ASCII that has allowed to provide correct functioning of software product in MS DOS environment or Windows 9õ, that is work on computers IBM PC AT or compatible which wide spread at Ukrainian enterprises.
On 4-th course supervised over student's collective on performance of an academic year project on the next topic: "Estimation of economic efficiency of mine methane recycling and improvement of an ecological situation in Donbass region" . ÏPresentation of the project was in English and is stored in a videogallary of our faculty. .
In 2001 investigating a problem of economic and medicine-mathematical modeling of complex objects and systems, I took part in work above the book: "Application of mathematical methods in researches on stomatology" (recommended by Academic council of Donetsk state medical university for the use in educational process). The co-author of the chapter " Methodology of modeling " illness image". Algorithms of decision-makin"..
Successfully having handed over discipline "Pedagogic", with the purpose of purchasing practical skills and skills to formulate the ideas to develop plans - abstracts and working programs, last two years I teach 10 - 11 forms computer science and basis of logic thinking in educational establishment of new type - humanitarian grammar school "Harmony" in Donetsk.
In 2001 I have received the bachelor's degree with distinction, and now I am in magistracy of DonNTU.Motives of choice of dissertation topic:
Studying world history and the world literature, founders of economy and philosophies has allowed formalizing competently a problem casual and natural in development of a human society. For years at university I save up significant luggage of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, using which I have tried to make attempt to establish new, insufficiently studied laws and interrelations in nature and society using of which would allow to give new directions of economic growth of our region, improve integration of the country in European and the world community. The dissertation theme is "Cyclicity of social and economic processes in a society and forecasting of their influence on economy on the basis of fundamental sciences" .
Future of the theme:
The main purpose of my diploma is development of the effective scientific concept of accounting achievements of fundamental natural sciences in development strategic plans for development and forecast of enterprises policy with foreign economic relations.
Personal prospects:
Being the arrogant person, I see my future in creation of new scientific school and its development in DonNTU on a position of faculty manager.
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