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Dubinin M.S.



Faculty of the power-mechanics and automation (FEMA),
group GEA-98b

Scientific supervisor : chief of the department GEA, candidate of Technical ScienceMarenich K.N.

The theme of my master's work: "Research and development of automatic system the control of electrosafety of a mine local network"

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I Was born on November, 1, 1980 in city of Donetsk.

My mum Dubinina Elena Mihajlovna has finished mechanical faculty Donetsk polytechnical Institute. My father Dubinin Sergey Vasil'evich has finished the same institute on a speciality " Automatics and telemechanics ".

Since September, 1 1987 I went to school N59. After 9-th class I has arrived in Donetsk liceum "Intelligence " at Donetsk the state institute of problems of an artificial intellect. Specialist subjects were mathematics and computer science. In this period I seriously started to be engaged in programming and studying of the English language.

I entered in Donetsk state technical university on a rating on a speciality "Automatic Control of engineering processes and productions" on the department of the mining electrical engineering and automatics.

In 2002 I has taken part in high school competition of student's scientific works and has received the incentive diploma for work " Research and a choice of rational structure of system of automatic control of loading of a clearing combine with the born system of submission ".

The same year I received the bachelor's degree on a direction of training "Automation and computer-integrated technologies". In the same year I entered a magistracy on a direction of training: "Automation and computer-integrated technologies ". The theme of my master's work: " Research and development of the automatic monitoring system of electrosafety of a mine local network ", scientific supervisor - specialist in automatic electric drives, head of the department

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