Geyer Viktor Georgievich
( 1903 - 1990 )
Professor, doctor of technical science.
Honoured worker of science and technics of Ukraine.
State award's laureate.
Autthor's certificate Publication work
V. G. Geyer was born 11 november 1903 in Vinnitsa. 17- by summery teenager burst out work as locksmith, and after by turner of mechanical workshops. In 1926 an young turner acts in Donetsk mining college, which in 1927 y. was regenerate in Donetsk mining institution. Since a life and activity V. G. Geyer indissolubly connected with DPI and by development of scientific researches in Donbass.
The First labour V. G. Geyer published in beginning 30-th years and sacred to elaboration theories of shaft pumping installations with use of centrifugal pumps. To Them were are offered the construction methods of individual descriptions of shaft pumps in relative sizes, is studied dominance of parameters of separate pump knots on him technical descriptions. The Results of these researches began by base candidate dissertation V. G. Geyer, defended in 1935 year.
Jointly with academician V.S. Puck and limb by correspondent K.S. Borisenko was is seen out a big researches volume on establishment basic parameters of shaft ventilation installations and to expediency basing and to application possibility for ventilation of mine of powerful centrifugal ventilators, which afterwards were by basic ventilation means of deep mine.
Creative energy V. G. Geyer permanently directed to facilitation of moil miners and creation of automation funds of stationary installations of coal-mine.
In 1937-1940 yy. V. G. Geyer bowed first researches out airlift of installations, perceiving in them not only means shaft pumping of high reliability, but and catchment basins clearance mechanization means and up of mining the masses from mine. In these years are seen out first researches of shaft hydrolifting installation with chamber load vehicle.
The researches Results in domain of theoretical automation bases of shaft pumping installations and airlift hydrolifting were generalized in educational manual for students of mining institutes of higher "Mining pumping installations", published in 1941 year.
IN 1940 However Great Home war prevented to realization of his project.
In years wars in composition 8-é of field engineer army he managed building of defensive buildings on Dnieper and around of Rostov, worked on evacuation of Donbass and on reneval of mine in front stripe and in Voroshilovgrad domain. After liberation of Donetsk pool from german occupiers in composition of central commission, led by academician A.P. Terpigorov, actively participated in reneval of coal industry. He was by scientific leader of central laboratory USSR attached to Donetsk industrial institution on pump of flooded mine of Donbass and for hours together did a big researches volume on establishment of optimum pumps parameters, hydroelevator and airlifts.
Activity and scientific labour V. G. Geyer in pump domain of flooded mine of Donbass were high priced by government, honouring to his State USSR award of first degree.
In 50-th years V. G. Geyer jointly with academician V.S. Puck were are published two textbook and two educational manual for students of mining institutes of higher. These textbooks translated into georgian, bulgarian, rumanian, hungarian and chinese languages.
In 1952 V. G. Geyer successfully stuck up for doctoral dissertation, in which worked up theory of the hydrocompressor.
In 1970 y. by him with associate professor V.S. Dulin, A.G. Borumenskiy and À.N. Zarya published another textbook for mining institutes of higher "Hydraulics and hydrodrive".
Scientific activity V. G. Geyer indissolubly related to personnel training higher qualifications. Under his scientific guidance arranged for five doctoral and more 40 candidate dissertations.
Pending 15 of lethes V. G. Geyer successfully worked as pro - rector on scientific work DPI.
V. G. Geyer actively participated in public work, being by magazine editorial board limb "Ukraine Coal ", deputy of editor-in-chief of interdepartmental republican scientific and technical collection "Deposits Elaboration of minerals ".
Of many years and fruitful activity V. G. Geyer marked by eleven governmental rewards. Reward by order of Labour Red Colours and Home war 2 of degree and 14 by medals. Honoured with sign "Miner's glory" of all of 3 degrees.