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Berbenets V.S.

Berbenets Victor Sergeyevich

Magistrate of facultet of geotechnologies and management

Magister's work theme: "Research of the spontaneous coal and gas bursts on mine"Krasnolimanskaya"

Supervisor: profesor, doctor of technic sciences Nicolin Victor Ignatyevich

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I was born on October 20, 1981 in Torez(Ukraine).In 1982, my parents (father, Berbenets Sergey Victorovich, and mother, Berbenets Tamara Alexeyevna) moved to Lipetsk (Russia) - the native town of my father's brothers. Here I went to the kindergarten where my friend, Pavel Korchagin by name, appeared.

In 1986 my yonger brother Sergey was born, and for unknown reasons my parents returned to our native town (Ukraine). For some time we lived with my grandparents and they liked to spend their three time teaching me something. Now my grandparents are retired, but they are very vigorous and active, and their lifestyle proves that elderly people can be active and independent. They are a good example for all of us. In 1987 we moved to Krasnoarmeysk (Ukraine) and I went to school. My life was full of new friends and interesting events.

Polina Fyodorovna was my first teacher. To tell you the truth, I was going to the first lesson with mixed feelings of interest, uneasiness and apprehension. But when I entered the classroom I forgot about all my bears. The things she told us were so interesting and engaging that I didn't notise when it was time to call it a day. Really, my first teacher was tactful,patient and competent.

1989 was the year of incredible difficulties: my father was injuried at the mine and became the 1-st group invalid. My mother underwent this severe trial stoicaly. After moving to a new flat, I went to another school. At school I had good marks at almost all subjects. My favorite subjects were geography and English.

I like geography because I'm interested in learning about other countries. Mastering English has been my hobby since the childhood. Every year, being on holidays I used to read English books. Thanks to my parents I had a rich collection of video cassets and audio cassets at my disposal; they helped me a good deal to improve my pronunciation, to enrich my vocabulary and to be a good at English grammar.

I consider learning English to be absolutely necessary: the deeper my knowledge of English is the deeper, richer and more precise is my perception of the world; and it's the language of computers, science, business; it's the language communication - people of different countries and nations have to get along well with the progress in world trade and technology as well as with each other. I dare say that our teacher of English, Inessa Vladimirovna, was a born teacher. Her practical pieces of advice on how to learn a foreign language were encouraging and marvelous.

In 1996 I became a student of Lyceum "Hope" - the atmosphere was relaxing there and our teachers were our best friends. We studied optional subjects there - philosophy and psychology, computers, accounting and others; and I represented my first research work "Waste coal utilization and a double crop of agricultural cultures ".

By the way in which a man uses his leisure his character can be told - more surely, in all probability,than by the way he does his work. Leisure should be refreshment; it should send a man out with fresh spirits to battle with the problems of life. I'm fond of many things, but my favourite hobby is fishing. I think this hobby teaches me love nature and the world. I like places where the foot of man has never stepped.

In 1998 I decided to be a student of Technical University - Krasnoarmeysk branch of Donetsk state technical university(speciality - "Technology of development mineral deposits") and followed in my father's footsteps. And the reason for choosing this University was the opportunity to combine study and fishing.

I did my best, worked hard at different subjects and passed all my exams successfully. When I saw my name in the list, I was extremely happy: my dream came true - I was enrolled at the University.

If you ask me why I have chosen this University, my answer is: mining - is one of the main branches of Ukraine's industry. The present-day state of the economy needs radical changes. Our economy is in the state of depression and only the efforts of many highly-proffesional people may revive it. I would like to join their number.

In 2002 I received the bachelor's degree. Strange as it its, I have never planned to link my life with science and scientific activity and even didn't understand the young teachers who did it. But when I was officially offered to continue my education in Magistrate I agreed without any embarrassment and regret.

Now my task for the future period is comprehension and solution to the most urgent problem in coal industry - the problem of spontaneous coal and gas bursts. Nicolin Victor Ignatievich (doc., who is one of the leading and estimated scientists of Ukraine and ex. the USSR, becomes my supervisor.

Man faced the problem of coal and gas bursts (in the last century but one) almost two centuries ago. Huge resources were allotted to its solution, dosens of scientists, both foreign and ukrainian, such as A.A. Scochinsky, S.A. Khristianovich and others, were and are ingaged in it. It's not a commonplace problem, it takes away lives, hundreds of lives of those who works for us, who doesn't see … the sun for months!

The future of coal branch, which holds and will hold the main positions in our country's economy, depends largely on the solution to this problem.

In conclusion, I'd like to stress, that for the nearest future I see my three principal objectives: to engage myself in professional fishing in West, to make parachute jump in free fall and of course, to introduce my name in the history of science.

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