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Alexey Gursky

Alexey Gursky


Department: Computer Information Technologies and automatics, group АТ-98а (Control systems and automatics)

The topic of masters work: "Elaboration of the control system of methane release a long the face line in the drift of a coal mine".

Scientific supervisor: senior lecturer Sergey Sukov

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    I was born on 24 September, 1981 in a woker's family in Donetsk, where I live now. I didn't go to the kindergarden. Pre-school period I had spent at home howing been looked after by my mother. I gave my preferances to modelling. I was keen on sports. Being a child I use to dream of being a professional footballer. I was brought up in a two-parent family. My father: Pavel Gursky (1949). My mother: Lyudmila Gurskaya (1952). My sister Natalie Gurskaya (1973).
    I entered the first class of secondary school №147 in Donetsk on 1st September 1987. I showed good gifts for exact siences. My favorite subjects ay school were: Algebra, Geometry, Computer Sience and Programming, Physics, Chemistry, Biology. During my studies at school I book part in the school and district Olimpiad in Mathematics. I was intrested in foreign language, attending an additional course. My class teachers att school were Zhukovina Lyudmila (1-3 class), Parfyunova Raisa (5-9 class), Solntseva Lyubov (10-11 class).
    Following the motto "A sound mind in a sound body" I paid special attention to sport. Giving preperances to team games, I often paticipated in school competitions in football and baskedball. Being a member of the teams I was a twise champion of school in basketball and three times in football. In 1998 I leaft school and was awarded whith silver medal.
    Having finished school there was a question of further education. Having inclinations to scinces and taking into consideration that Donetsk State Technical University is famous for its high-quality teaching and high-level gradiated specialists, I chose entering it. While choosing the profession I took into account need in that the efficient specialist in the field of control systems and automatics are in a great need, that's why I took part in the rating testing to this department in March-May 1998. As a result I entered Donetsk State Technical University, now it is Donetsk National Technical University, the department of Computer Information Technologies and automatics, speciality - control systems and automatics.
    During my studies at the University I was participated in the regional Olympiad in Theoretical Bases of Electrical Engineering. I also took part in the automatics conference organized by the chair of MEA and Internatuonal conference "Automatics-2002" organisated by Donetsk National Technical University. I was a repeared participant of university competition in footgym. Being a member of the teams I took part in the championship of Donetsk in this kind of sport. In June 2002 I passed the examination and received a Bacuelor Degree.
    While studing at the university I showed special abilities in such disciplines as the Theory of automatics control and Modelling and Identification. This made for my choice of the scientific supervisor in favour of the teacher who is a specialist in these subjects. The choice of the topic of masters work is caused by its importance and interest in phisics of processes in a drift of coal mine, and also the necessity of work in this field.
    Safety in the coal mines has always been and will be one of the main thenes. Now a new system of methane release control is being worked out at the Science Research Institute "Antipov Avtomatgormash". Working together with Krasik Yakov Lvovich, the cheif engeneer of the Reseach Institute, I get the information and main lines of investigation to work at. The Topic of my Master's work will be always urgent because it is impossible to create absolutely safe control system. The speciality of control system and automatics will be very popular in the nearest future because our country is in a great need of such specialists.
    After graduating from the University I would like to work according my diplome, because the specialists in automatics are required in our state. I hope I'll be called for as specialist here in Ukraine, My Motherland.

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