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dissertation: To develop the system of optimum control of routing in IP nets with the balancing of loading... supervisor: Khorkhordin A.V.


Kotkov Michael Antonovich


Donetsk national technikal university


computer information technologies and automatics


telecommunicational systems and nets

dissertation theme

to develop the system of optimum control of routing in IP nets with the balancing of loading of communicational channels

supervisor of studies

Khorkhordin Alexander Vladimirovich


Unreversed process

On that wonderful winter morning the whole mankind made one more step in it’s way to perfection. It became even clever, more restless and more beautiful and the problems of the lack of food and housing became sharper. Besides, the average height and weight of a man, as well as the total population of Ukraine and, probably, the rate of dollar had also changed. The astrologers, doctors, teachers, sewage-disposal men and cookers had more work to do. The whole world became clearer and more mysterious. The amount of questions, answers, hopes, wishes and what not considerably increased (and is increasing at a very high speed). All these events were marked by a scream, which was worth the Opera and Ballet Theatre; it flew over the city Donetsk, then over whole planet and rushed further through the endless Universe. It happened on the 8th of February, 1981 at 9:20 by local time. The unreversed process began (or, probably, continued).

To cut it short, I was born.


In order not to make the Roman Pope, Darvin and the inhabitants of Mars quarrel with each other, speaking about my ancestors, I’ll touch only upon my parents.

How do you think, to what extent the two people can be alike? To what degree can they approach each other in their viewpoints? How much likeness can they have? Multiply this something, you’ve imagined to 100. Do it again. Now write «minus» near the result. The only same features my parents have are, probably, just the letters in their names.

Mother – Tatiana Victorovna – is a psychologist. She can help you to look so deep inside, that you would feel dizzy. After this, some things, that seemed to be clear appear to be something huge, resembling an iceberg, and the problems, that quite recently were just imposable self-extinguish; you find answers to the questions you’ve never asked and you can have a fear of realizing how much a man can do.

Father – Anton Vasiljevich – is a builder. He is rather demanding and strict, likes everything to be fair and square and hates laziness. He just marvelously plays «in towns». He is a born leader – always fully self-confident, makes strict regulations, has a high-pitched voice and can organize just everything. Actually he does everything he promises and promises what you deserve. If he has an aim in front of him, he would definitely achieve it.

They are completely different and don’t fit each other but they are ideal for the upbringing of a cosmonaut.


Further on, in my biography I should probably write about my childhood. But since it is still in progress and plays somewhere, I can’t look at it from aside and that’s why won’t describe it.

My adolescence. The same story. I just want to say, that I really liked to go to school as well as different other strolls out-doors.

La-la-la, tra-ta-ta, cha-cha-cha… I managed to finish my school. I’ve got a pile of deeds for olimpiads and some very good friends. In my school-leaving certificate I have only «fives» except one unjustly given «four» on Ukrainian. For all that this world is not fair. Why, I was worth not more than «three».

During our school-ball walse nearly all pairs ran into each other. And not once. Most probably it was a kind of reminding to us, that we will similarly have to face some problems in life. And not once.


So, I faced the first really important question in my life: where to study further? And for the first time I didn’t now know whose advise I should listen to. My father said «chose something you’ll need», mother advised to chose something that appear to me. That’s why I had to decide myself.

O’K, so, I put the following demands to my future speciality (the order doesn’t matter): it must be perspective, must give freedom in actions and must sound well. A difficult choice – a difficult decision. Donetsk national technikal university – The faculty of computer information technologies and automatics – The speciality in telecommunicational systems and nets. Right, from the first time not easy to read, from the second – not possible to pronounce, from the third – impossible to remember.


So, what? Let us move on! Gaudeamus igitur! Granite seems to be more and more tasty, questions appear more often, though the answers are not important, and there is need for something more and life is getting more and more beautiful, the Sun and the Moon are moving faster and faster, I am changing every day, wondering every minute, I see something new every moment and I want to fly, to create and some ice-cream. I start looking at people and a little bit later listen to them. Why didn’t I do that earlier? I look at my dreams in a different way; it appear that they are not so impossible as it seem! I am going self-confidence!

I’d like to mark three events that have really influenced me greatly. These are:

  • I started to go in for aikido;
  • I sterted to dance;
  • I began to understand what M.Norbekov writes about.

Why and in what way have they influenced me? It is not easy to explain. If you want to find out, you should definitely attack aikido master, visit a ball-dancing competition and read a book by M.Norbekov. I may assure you, that it would give you some pleasure and desire not just to watch but also to participate.

Degree thesis

I won’t tell you how I’ve chosen my Master’s dissertation topic, otherwise you would think, I’m a humorist.

So, theme is: «to develop the system of optimum control of routing in IP nets with the balancing of loading of communicational channels». Sounds great, doesn’t it? I hope, that a good name wouldn’t be the only merit of my dissertation. I’ll try to explain briefly what my work is about. Supposing, to get to the Internet you use several channels that have different speed, safety, delay of delivery, price and so on. For all that you wish to improve your surfing along the net in order to pay less. For example: it is necessary to take into consideration the price of the transmission trough the channel, which changes during the twenty four hours; the channels should be loaded one by one; the channels should be loaded to some definite degree, established for each channel separately and so on. So, this is what my work is created for.

But, generally speaking, this is all stuff. If you want to know something about me – phone, write, we’ll meet and have a talk.




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