
Luneva Olga

Department of Computer-Informational Technologes and Automatics
group ÀÒ98à
Supervisor: Assosiat professor G.I. Tsapenko
The theme of master work:

"Dynamic synthesis
of adaptive system on the basis of gradiant methods of optimization"


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    I was born on the 24 of March 1981 in Makeevka, Donetsk area. The parents: Lunev A.I.and Luneva I.M. On the 13 of May 1985 was born my sister Luneva Kate, who is a stydent too.
   When I was young , I liked music and sports games.
   In 1988 I have gone to high school N59. In 1995 I entered in the Liceum of Makeevka. I studied in the physical-mathematical class, and it has influenced on selection of a technical university. Most liked was a lesson of a choreography.
   In 1998 I passed exams in Donetsk State Technical University on faculty Computer-Information Technologies and Automatics, speciality "Automatics and telecomunications". As at school I always liked more to solve equations, than to write the compositions, therefore I have selected a technical speciality.
    On the second course of styding on basic speciality I entered on the second speciality "The Count and audit".
    After obtaining the bachelor's degree with distinction I entered a magistracy. The supervisor is Tsapenko G.I. He is engaged problems of automatic management systems and also is the highly qualified specialist in this area. In a magistracy I was engaged in problems of construction unfounded self-adapting systems, which basis of functions of sensitivity.
   Now automatic systems of control take the relevant place in our life; they are applied in all areas of science and engineering.