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Ponomarenko IgorThe magistrant of faculty of Computer information technologies and automatics. A speciality: Information managing systems and technologies. A theme of the magistracy work is: "The elaboration of computer subsystem of decision-making support in the marketing activity of an enterprise". Scientific tutor: docent Sergey V.Lazdyn |
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ResumeDate of birth: November 3, 1981 Place of birth: Khartsyzsk, Donetsk region, Ukraine. Parents Father : Valentine I. Ponomarenko, 1949 Mother : Neolina P. Ponomarenko, 1950 In 1987 I entered the secondary school No 25 in Khartsyzsk, in 1998 I graduated it with honours. Within a study at the school I repeatedly participated in some intercity Olympiads of math, so I was inclined to study exact sciences, such as physics, chemistry, and mathematics. Besides, since my childhood I was occupied with sports, in particular with a sport acrobatics (within a two-year training I gained some deeds), playing basketball (I was a winner of the team competitions among secondary schools), playing ping-pong and playing tennis at professional level (I was a participant of the intercity competitions). After the secondary school graduation in 1998 I entered Donetsk National Technical university and began to study Automatic Management Systems at the Computer and Informational Technologies and Automation Department. The choice of specialty and the university was connected first of all with certain computer knowledge and elementary programming skills. It was aimed to develop them deeply and find an applied usage of them at some potential job. The well-known proverb “If you possess an information, the world is yours” apparently reflects the actuality of this decision in our epoch of computerisation and globalisation. During a four-year study period at the university I was in charge of being the Leader of the group AMS-98c. After the gaining Bachelor diploma in Computer Sciences in 2002 I went on my study at the university but for the Master’s degree with a goal to get deeper knowledge of my major (that means to become a high qualified specialist in computer technologies), and also to use an opportunity and perspectives of being occupied with a scientific work within my university. The core element of the study for getting the Master’s degree is a Master’s Paper completing. The topic of my paper is “The elaboration of computer subsystem of decision-making support in the marketing activity of an enterprise”. The choice of the object of the investigation is connected with the actuality of elaboration of the topic which concerns the automation of marketing performance of domestic companies, while in modern Ukraine marketing is now under development, and the experience of modern enterprises’ marketing activity is rather limited. Although the topic of my Master’s Paper was suggested by my scientific tutor, reader Sergey V.Lazdyn -, I really interested in this theme of investigation what was reflected in my previous Course Paper. So my Master’s Paper completing will reasonably continue my already fulfilled theoretic investigation and will include the applied aspects. As a result of the carried out analysis of computer systems and program devices it was find out, that taking into account all existing systems for marketing activity automation at the market of software, they can’t always fit the specifics of a company performance and can’t be used efficiently because of the individuality of certain company’s marketing set. So the topic of Master’s Paper has future perspectives as far as it contains the objectives to eliminate disadvantages of existing means of decision-making support in the companies’ marketing activity, and to try to elaborate my own optimal computer subsystem of decision-making support in presented area. My personal perspectives I connect with getting a job that’s concerned with my gained computer and programming skills in some private limited companies with an opportunity of the further professional, corporative and personal promotion. One of the stages on the way of its realization I reckon a successful passing the preliminary test in Privatbank. |