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The master of electrotechnical faculty Speciality: Electrotechnical systems electrosupply (ESE). Master degree theme: " Research and calculation of reliability complex structures with use of the electronic computer " Scientific supervisor: professor Alexander P. Kovalyov email: chapligin@list.ru |
I was born 6th of January 1982 in town Oboyan, Kursk region (Russia). After I was born my family moved to Ukraine, village Bolshoe Orehovo, town Makeevka, my grand-father and grand-mother live there. My mother – Lubov A. Sevostyanova are working as a constructor engineer of Khartsyzsk Wire-Rope Plant (PJSC “Silur”), step-father-Pavel I. Sevostyanov-main technologist of CM “Donbass Liberty”. Near the village Bolshoe Orehovo there are one more village Krasniy Oktyabr, in which I went to childhood and later, in 1988 went to the first form of secondary school ¹100. To enter the school was for me very pleasant and till the first form I was interested in mathematics. My first teacher was Tatyana N. Shalipova. She always knew in what we were interested in. She always explained the material very accessible. Very difficult for me to understand was graphic art. As more I tried tom draw as worse was everything. School became more interesting for me when I was in 5th form. In every subject were different teachers. Very interesting subjects were appeared: botanic, English. But the main subject was mathematics. In 5th and 6th forms I participated in school Olympiads by mathematics and I was the winner. My first teacher in mathematics was Olga M. Lesnaya. After I finished I finished 6th form my family moved to Khartsyzsk (30 km from Donetsk). In this town there are very many schools, and it was a problem for me to decide in what school I will study. I selected school ¹24 which Olga M. Lesnaya advised to me. This school was with mathematics bevel. But according to my place of living I had to enter another school and because of rush our with the kids it might be a problem but everything finished OK. When I enter this school first time the study chief Svetlana F. Kochergina decided to take me into the mathematic form. To study in new school was very difficult because of new people and another requirements. But it was very useful for me. In secondary school were very interested for me subjects like mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, informatics. During my studying in this school I participated in different town Olympiads in mathematics, physics, chemistry. After 9th form I entered into the mathematics group, the learning there was on base of Kharkiv aviation institute. My knowledge allowed me to enter it. In 10th form I occupied 1st place in town Olympiad in mathematics. I am very thankful to my teacher Aneli F. Mihaylovskoy for my knowledge in this subject, which help me now in my real life. Also I liked physics lessons, the teacher was Svetlana Fedorovna. In 11th form we had 6 hours of physics (on Saturday). From the first time it was impossible to learn it but then it became very interesting and useful. At the beginning of 11th form I was to decide in what university I want to enter. Among different variants I choose 2 universities: physics department of Donetsk State University and Donetsk Technical University. I used second variant. It were different reasons. First of all I was very interested in electric processes and in Donetsk Technical University was electric department (there were studied my mother and my uncle). After that I came to know that Donetsk Technical University carried rating exams for the pupils. These pupils were to pass only mathematics. It was an excellent for me. So I started to prepare to these exams. Then I passed them OK (53 points). I entered to the department of electrical systems of electrical power supply. I became a student before I finished the school and it was the very pleasant thing. To study at university for me was pleasant since 1st day. The majority of a material, which was considered on the basic subjects (physics, mathematics), I already knew from school that has enabled me in more details to study some moments. The most interesting on 1st rate for me the subject " Computer facilities and the software " which was read to us by the senior lecturer of our faculty - Sergey G. Jura was. On 1st rate I began to master actively computer facilities. I was interested very much with many questions. And it was connected by what in my specialty there is a number(line) of toilful tasks for which there are no algorithms of the decision on the COMPUTER, and besides what for repeatedly to carry out the same task if it is possible once to learn the machine? On younger rates I took part in student's Olympiads in physics and mathematics. On 2-nd rate has occupied 3d place on regional Olympiad on Theoretical bases electrical engineers due to what has gone on Ukrainian Olympiad on Theoretical bases electrical engineers to Lvov where has occupied 2d place. On it trips to Lvov were not finished: on 3-rd and 4-th rates I occupied 3 and 2 places accordingly. The teacher of faculty TOE Valentine H. Antamonov prepared for us for Olympiads, for what I am very grateful to him. Being the student of 2-nd rate at the bottom of a science the report gave on problems of power. On 4-th rate teacher Valentine S. Golota, which was especially remembered read us polytology. He was very interesting person. Always people listened to him with pleasure, and attendance of his lectures was the highest. Probably, he remain at me in memory for whole life. In a spring semester of 4-th rate I have got acquainted with the professor of our faculty Edward G. Kurennym, he read to us a rate " Electrosupply of the industrial enterprises ". I liked his lectures very much, he has told very many interesting things which for certain will be useful to me in the further engineering activity. Upon termination of 4-th rate managing our faculty Valentin P. Muha, has offered me to continue training in a magistracy. I had agreed, and Valentine Pavlovich has acquainted me with the professor of our faculty Alexander P. Kovalyovym who read us " bases of the theory of reliability" on 5-th rate. I was very much interested with tasks which were offered me by Alexander Petrovich, and subsequently he has agreed to be my head. In the future, probably, I shall continue training in postgraduate study. I want to make something useful to systems of electro supply namely to develop the program for calculation of reliability of these systems and not only reliability. It is necessary to note, that in the field of electro supply there is a sharp deficiency of the software, and I already for a long time had desire with it to struggle, creating programs ÑÑÛËÊÈ | Ñïåöèàëüíîå çàäàíèå | ÄîíÍÒÓ | ÌÀÃÈÑÒÐÛ ÄîíÍÒÓ
© 2004 Dmitry Chapligin |