Faculty to ecologies and chemical technology Pulpit to applied ecology and guard surrounding ambiences group OS-99     mailto:koa@ukrtop.com     mailto:koa@ukrtop.com |
          I was born on March 16, 1982 in Kokand city, Fergana region of the Uzbekistan Republic . My Parents: mother - Kasyanchuk Svetlana Viktorovna a teacher by profession; father - Kasyanchuk Arnolid Semenovich – an electrical engineer.
          I’m the youngest member of my family, have two brothers Dmitriy and Igor, who always helped me, played with me, took me to the kindergarten, and later to school.
          In 1988 I entered zero class of the secondary school No. 20. That was from that time, so to say, that my conscious years of life began. I studied 3 years at this school , but then my family have moved to Donetsk city due to occurring disorders for that moment in Uzbekistan.
          In 1990 I went to the fourth class of the secondary school No.74 in Donetsk. I did not study the Ukrainian language at Uzbek school so it was quite difficult for me to get adapted. At school I took an active part in all tests on different subjects and other actions, often happened to be a leader at school lines. At extracurricular hours we remained to arrange the stands, wall newspapers. I had many friends at school , we often went to walk after the lessons.
          I studied at musical school during my school years and adored playing piano. I loved listening to music, reading books at my spare time . In 1997 I have finished nine classes with the highest certificate and went to secondary school No.59. I was taught 10th and 11th classes there and has finished it excellently, but, to my regret, without a medal.
          In 1999 I entered Donetsk National Technical University on department of Ecology and Chemical Technology, specialization - Ecology of the chemical manufacturing. All of my life I was witnessed the destruction of natural environment. That was the reason that has forced me to choose this profession, and I do not feel regret about nothing.
          Regardless of the fact that to study wasn’t so easy, those years have passed so quickly. Those were really most bright and remarkable years. Moreover I was a member of the most friendly group, where everyone helped each other. Since I am a local citizen and live with parents, I several times settled in student hostel to completely feel students life. Three weeks in a hostel have passed like one day.
          From the third course I’ve got the extra scholarship, and on completion of the fourth course has got the red diploma of the bachelor. And at fifth course has entered in magistracy, where I study now. I consider my future profession to be actual and perspective at present. After finishing the magistracy I’d like to work in Ecological Inspection.