          Maslyaev Viktor Semenovich was born on December 5 1932 in village Centralniy Torez area Donetsk region. All of his life is connected to DPI, presently DonNTU. In 1950 he became a student of the chemist-technological faculty and has successfully graduated from it , whereupon immediately began teaching activity as an assistent of the department "General chemistry". Viktor Semenovich became the senior teacher in Donetsk Pollytechnical Institute on department "Technology of nonorganic substances". In 1960 Viktor Semenovich became the senior teacher in Donetsk Pollytechnical Institute on department "Technology of nonorganic substances".
          In 1968 he has defended the Ph.D. thesis on technical sciences. Viktor Semenovich managed the department during 15 years, as from 1969. All this time Maslyaev toils at a task of wealth of the depsrtment: material and technical base is being developed , curricula process being changed. In 1979 V.S. Maslyaev have been appointed as a dean of the chemist-technological faculty, where he had been working for 10 years.
          Scientific and work at the department was aimed at investigation and development of the facilities for air regenerations in insulated systems. These investigations have been in early 60-s and are continued and extended now directly at participation and under the direction of V.S. Maslyaeva. The result was a certificate of authorship and patent of the absorber for air cleansing in an insulated systems, successfully used on atomic undersea fleet of the former SOVIET UNION.
V.S. Maslyaev is an author: