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Michael Lemeshko |
Diploma thesis: | "The methods on competitiveness improvements of Ukraine automobile enterprises for foreign investors" |
Scientific adviser: | Daur Zykhba |
Master paper | Library | Links |
My name is Michael Lemeshko. I was born on November 28 in 1982 in the city of Makeyevka where I live till the present time. According to the signs of the zodiac I am Sagittarius.
The most memorable recollection of my children's years is a stomatology polyclinic. In contrast to present time I had to visit a doctor rather often in my childhood and painful recollections are connected with it.
I grew in an intelligent family: my mother is a teacher of a music school, she graduated from a conservatory, my father started working as a teacher in an institute, then he worked in Komsomol, and after the breakdown of the old political system he engaged in business. So I was well brought up and didn't suffer from the lack of attention: in my childhood I was spending a lot of time with my grandmother and grandfather in honor of whom I was named. They are the ones who indulged me, and I never lost an opportunity to complain them about my parents.
I went a little to the kindergarten. Even before lunch (right away after a walk) my grandmother, who worked in shifts, took me home. But there were great sorrows when I had to have a dinner and to sleep in the afternoon (I think everybody remembers "silent hour ").
When 1989 has come my parents decided it was time for me to go to school although I was 6 years 9 months and my relatives and familiars dissuaded from this idea. Nevertheless, being the youngest in my class I was an excellent pupil but every week I got bed marks by behavior. Ended the fifth form I was the only excellent pupil among boys in my class. My first 8 years I studied at school ¹4. It was one of two best schools in my city, but by the middle 90-es everything in our country has changed. Unfortunately, my school has also changed.
In 1995 being influenced by my parents I passed entrance exams and entered Lyceum (school ¹14). How life there was differed from that a former one! One month later I had any regrets about changing my school: kind and sympathetic teachers, cleanliness and order in the lyceum, holidays and perfomances, even delegation of some authority to lyceum pupils - everything was new and interesting! Certainly, studying here was much more difficult: my lessons lasted longer; volumes of home tasks all the more forced me to sit at home at the table till the night. But it has only helped me: independence, confidence in own forces and knowledge has appeared.
During my studying there I have reached not only certain success in a scientific life (prize-winning places in city and district Olympiads on English, mathematics, physics, participation with own research on the Small academy of sciences), but also in a public life of the lyceum: by 10-11 any action passed without me: I was the presenter in school perfomances; I danced with girls who took part in annual competition "Mss. Lyceum" (this perfomance has been holding by the lyceum for more than 10 years!); on September 1 in 11 class I carried on my shoulders first-former that rang the first bell for herself and the last for my last year of an interesting life in the lyceum; well and, certainly, last bell for all graduates of our school at the end of the year. I appeared to be the only boy who got gold medal that year!
All these have predetermined the school for my sister. There was the article in the newspaper, devoted to all graduates of my city, with our photo that read as follows: "Continuity. The brother from lyceum with a gold medal, and the sister - with a hope in the first class".
Donetsk State Technical University was chosen as the place for my further studying much earlier: due to the existence of military faculty and also to good responses of graduates and familiars. The speciality was chosen only by the end of April when only two months before entrance exams left. Nevertheless, I started learn English more strongly from the beginning of 10 form: I knew it would help me in future anyway. To improve my English I also lived the whole month in Cambridge in the summer after 10 form. A lot of pleasant and indelible memoirs left about that time.
So, on September 1 in 1999 I was late for my first lesson at the university: hardly found building and only one familiar person (the girl from the lyceum appeared to be with me in the same group). Generally speaking first year of my student's life was rather boring: the majority of my groupmates had studied together earlier, in college, and they were keeping together at the university too. However, after reformation of groups based on rating results after 1 course my student life became much more interesting. Student, faculty days, etc. - here is real student life. Studying became more difficult but interesting: new teachers and special subjects persuaded me in right choice of a speciality.
And now, imperceptibly having studied till 5 course, having become an officer of UA military, having received the excellent bachelor's degree and having entered magistracy, I face a problem of writing my diploma.
Now I shall tell a little about my hobbies. Since the childhood I was fond of cars: at first they were small and toy, but eventually I began to show interest in real, "adult" cars. Being 5 years old I was sitting on my grandfather's hands and was twisting steering-wheel, being unable to step on pedals, and being 9-10 I first time independently has sat down to rudder and has gone. It was great! From 12 years I at least once a week drove a car and by 15, when I was already allowed to drive a car independently, I could not think any more of anything, except getting my driver license. But I had to wait whole 3 years! It was the terrific… But at my 18-anniversary I, due to my grandfather who has inculcated in me love to cars, I have received my first driver license! The first because after that moment I passed such exams twice: subsequently it turned to be that documents could get lost…
In parallel with cars grew my love to computers… At the beginning of 1995 first personal computer has appeared in my life (I do not speak about TV-game devices I had already at about 1992): 486DX2-80 remained very competitive for about four years, so my start in the world of computer technologies turned to be rather powerful, and at first I hardly got ready. One year later I couldn't imagine my life without computer, and when modem in my computer in 1997 has appeared and I became a Fidonet user (Internet was much talked about that times, but a few people used it in their work) I have realized how great and versatile computer world is. Later personal computer has come in everyone's life and the one who at least once had touched it hardly would refuse it using…
3 last years I am, not leaving my study, engaged in securities trading. Especially for this in 2001 I have trained and successfully passed exams at the State stock market and securities committee in Kiev. This work demands to be constantly informed of all changes not only in the stock market, but also of the legislation of our country. That is why at the beginning of 2004 I have repeatedly passed obligatory certification and has prolonged valid of my certificate of the expert in trade securities for 3 years.
What about my future? I want and I shall be engaged in interesting business that will not only bring me material well-being for "very" comfortable existence, but also internal self-satisfaction for my person. All this will be harmoniously combined with remarkable private life, loving wife and wonderful children.