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Donetsc National Technical University
Profession "Economy of enterprise (specialization marketing)"
Group - EPM-99b
The theme of my magisters work is: "Mobile connections development perspectives in Ukraine"
The scientific adviser - Yarim-Agaev A.N
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My name is Proyavin Alexander. I was born on 4th of May, 1982 in Donetsk. When I was three year old, I visited kindergarten, and I like it very much.
In 1989 I went to secondery school I-II levels number 130 in Donetsk. From 1997 to 1999 I studied at secondery school I-III levels 133, and finished it having received silver medal. During my studying I taken an active participation in life of school, I have participated in school and district olympiads in biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, Ukrainian language and literature, Russian language and literature, and I was the captain of school "Brain-ring" team as well. The main fascinations were radioelectronics and sport.
In 1999 I entered Donetsk National Technical University according to speciality "Economy of enterprise (specialization marketing)". I've been studying at the university as I've got a desire to receive higher education. I have chosen this university because its one of the best university in Ukraine.
During studing the Donetsk National Technical University I was lucky to participate in olympiads in economy, and conferences, I deliver the report theme of which is "The analysis of the mobile connection market in Ukraine" and ''Main companies and type of the mobile connection market in Ukraine'', I've got the pulpit of military preparation.
In 2002 I received the bachelor diploma with honour according to "Economy of enterprise" subject and entered the master's course of Donetsk National Tachnical University of Economy and Management faculty.
The theme of my master's paper is: "The analysis of the mobile connection market in Ukraine", My scientific adviser is Yarim-Agaev A.N. The importance of this theme is defined that the market of mobile connection rapidly develops and provides the development of other branches of economy, estimation trends and prospects of the market of cellular connection which is actual not only for this branches, but also for the development of economy as a whole.
After completion of master's course I am going to enter post graduate cource and get the scientific degree. Hereinafter i hope to use my knowledge and skiils for the welfare of Ukrainian people.
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