E-mail: don_Korleone@km.ru |
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Semenov Sergey |
Biografy |
My name is Semenov Sergey. I was born on the 22-d of December, 1981 in the city Donetsk.
My parents, Semenov Sergey and Semenova Elena, graduated from mining and electrotechnic faculty of the Donetsk polytechnical institute and began their labour activity on Yasinovataya’s machine-building factory. Thus, my childhood has passed among picturesque places of the town Yasinovataja. And even now I like to visit my grandmother and grandfather in in this city and spend my free time there/
From the first till the eighth class I attended the comprehensive school ¹3 in Yasinovataya. When I finished the eighth class, father was offered to the new perspective work in Donetsk. So we moved to the regional center of Donbass and I continued to receive secondary education in comprehensive school ¹5 in Donetsk. I was welcomed with the big and noisy city with which I’d like to connect all my further activity.
At school I realize my interest to technical sciences. That’s why I decided to enter the Donetsk state technical university (DNTU). I have finished school with the good certificate and by the results of rating tests have been enlisted in numbers of students of DNTU (now Donetsk national technical university). I entered the specialty "Automatic control of the technological processes and productions" in the faculty power-mechanics and automation.
I began my scientific activity from the participation in interuniversity student's conferences by results of which has been awarded by diplomas. Has received the diploma for the best scientific report at interuniversity student's conference “Actual problems of practical mathematics”, and also the diploma for the high level of reports and active participation in X scientific and technical conference of the scientists of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus “Applied problems of mechanics of liquid and gas ”. I also participated in III international conference of post-graduate students and students “Automation of technological objects and processes. Search of youth”. In 2003 I took part in university competition of student's scientific works in section "Mining" with work "The substantiation of the principle of measurement of active capacity".
From 2000 I also started to go in for sports (track and field athletics). As appeared, that I give the predisposition to this kind of sports. At the first competitions I has received 3-rd category, and after two years has received 1-st category. On the University competition devoted to the 30-anniversary of opening of a track and field athletics arena, has won the I place in running on 60 meters. Also there is a number of other diplomas for participation in regional competitions.
In the summer of 2003 I has received the bachelor's degree with distinction and decided to continue my studying in magistracy. After receiving of the diploma I was directed on the second industrial practice to Open Society “Avtomatgormash im V.A. Antipova”, where I have been working as an engineer till now. In September of this year I began to receive my second higher education on base of DNTU by the specialty “Economics of the productions”.
One of the results of my studying in university is giving the ìëàäøåãî ëåéòåíàíòà as the result of two-years studying on the military department of DNTU.
In master’s dissertations I solve the problems of automation of mining water-outflow. My supervisor is the assistant professor of the department GEA, the candidate of technical science Ogolobchenko Alexander. My master’s dissertation will be written on the basis of mine named by Ì.I. Kalinin. Such developments are rather actual now, as they are directed on increase of a level of automation of mining water-outflow and also let to solve a number of another problems.
As to the economic specialty, I am interested in studying of the strategy of formation of investment process. In this connection as the supervisor of my diploma was chosen the head of the department “Economy of the productions”, the doctor of technical science, professor Hobta Valentine, as she developments the similar problems and is one of the best scientist in my university.
In the future I plan to give the masters degree by my first specialty, receive the second higher education, find interesting and perspective work where I can show my professional and personal qualities. I want to find my way in this life and to receive from it everything that I can using my forces and skills.
© 2004 Semenov S.S.