Demidova Irina Speciality "Processing of metals by pressure" Masters work |
Theme of work: Research of process of a modification form the continuous moulding bars in sort stans mins.
Chief: Smirnov E.N.,the senior lecturer of faculty PMP.
The Association of continuous moulding and rollings in continuous technological process is one from main problems of increase of efficiency metallurgical production. The solutions of this problem are ensured decrease of the costs of metal, with increase of productivity MCMB, elemination of the additional costs on cutting, warehousing, heat and transportation of bars before rolling, a possibility of deriving with bar of continuous mouldingof one cut of bars of a number of standard sizes etc. However on majority of factories are present stans of an old type, which reconstruction in near future is not provided, development on integration MCMB with old sort therefore is conducted. Therefore, having analyzed existing of a connecting circuit MCMB with the rolling mill, the optimum solution of this problem - assimilation of direct rolling was found as rolling at the Austrian factory Marienhiite, such circuit of integration is planned to mount on OJS "DMPZ". Despite of the collected experience of use bar of continuous moulding for production of various kinds ofsort hire on modern continuous stans, it the application on sort stans of a linear type requires further comprehensive study. Point of view;!from the point of view of features of calibration draft-quality groups mins the necessity of realization of such researches is stipulated, first of all, application of conjugate calibres. The analysis of being available literary datas has shown, that in majority they were obtained with reference to conditions modern stans, namely continuous. The datas concerning studies of process of deformation bar of continuous moulding in conjugate calibres, in the literature are not detected. Besides the urgency of the given problem is determined also by that circumstance, that only in Donbass per the nearest years as a minimum 7 linear sort stans plan transition for use bar of continuous moulding. The purpose of the present work is the research of features process by deformation bar of continuous moulding in conjugate calibres with use physical models.
1. Rody V., Flemmyng G. A modern level, technical feasibilities and further perfecting of technology of association of continuous moulding and rollings (CSP) ”.- SMS «Shlorman-Zymag », 1983г.-25 page.
2.Borsy R., Doniny E, Di Djusto B. " Dunialy United " Mini-installations(mini-aim) for flat items. - Research department of technological processes " Dunialy United ", 1987г.-45 page.
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