Demidova Irina Speciality "Processing of metals by pressure" Physical - metallurgical faculty Theme of work: Research of process of a modification form the continuous moulding bars in sort stans min. Chief: Smirnov Ye.N.,the senior lecturer of faculty PMP. |
The biography
I, Demidova Irina, was born on the 1st of May 1982ã. in Donetsk.
My school years have passed in walls of Khartsizsk school 24 , which I successfully completed in 1999ã. My favourite subjects at school - mathematic, plotting and chemistry. In this year I applied for the Processing of metals by pressure in Khartsizsk college of Donetsk national technical university . For successful study in 2002ã.I was transferred to the same speciality in DonNTU.
Theme scientifically work on fourth course was "The analysis of the tendencies of construction and reconstruction of sort rolling production for 1983-2003yy".
Now I am a master of faculty "Processing of metals by pressure".
A little personal
My dagging is the tax of packages with sugar, on which is written a title of establishment,date and city. Now in my collection more than 100 copies.
Also I love to be rolled and sports.
I like to read fantezy, historical novels and detectives of such authors: Dj.Roling, V.Pickul, B.Akunin.
Masters work Electronic library Links
05.07.2004 ©Demidova I. 2004.