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workOn a theme " the Analysis and methods of an intensification of processes of burning in furnace
steam boilers on example Sb. TES "
Burning is the first complex technical process mastered by mankind. In a history of progress of technics this process borrowed and continues to take very important place, being a basis of the modern power, many technological manufactures, transport and a life.
The deep understanding of a course of process of burning in the power and transport units, necessary at practical calculations of burning at his different stages, demands detailed studying of the theory of burning by students of power specialities. The analysis of processes of burning usually provides a number during which the main parities between processes proceeding at burning and area of process of burning are found out.
Purpose of everyone fuelconsume devices is transformation of chemical energy of fuel into thermal energy of products of combustion and use of last for transfer to other working bodies to steam boilers with transformation into mechanical energy into gas turbines and for creation of draft in jet engines, etc. In steam boilers fuelconsume the device - chamber furnace, simultaneously being warmlymetatheticaled the device in which up to 50 % of all allocated heat it is transferred a working body - a pair and water.
Process of burning in furnace devices of power steam boilers is connected to preparation of fuel and an oxidizer for burning and accompanied by the accompanying phenomena. For example, at burning firm fuel the last are exposed to drying and grind, and air used as an oxidizer - to high heating. Accompanying processes, in particular, are slagging furnace chambers and formation on convective surfaces of heating of the connected adjournment, and at burning black oils - formation of toxic oxides and corrosion of screen surfaces. Formation of toxic oxides is observed also at burning natural gases and concerning dry coals.
Thus, studying of processes of burning and search of methods of his intensification is of great importance for the industry presently as many very important processes without which the mankind cannot continue the scientific and industrial activity are connected to burning.