ðóññêèé | óêðà¿íñüêà | english
Authors: Popov À.L., the senior lecturer ; image A.V., master; Podoksenova D.A., the student.
Now the
theme is very actualHeat of consumption of inhabited and
public houses, whichMakes more than 60-80 % of all
produced for the purposes heatsupplies of energy. A
source heatsupplies in Donetsk serveRegional
boiler-houses (85 % total thermalLoadings). As against
big Boiler-houses of a centralized heat supply,
Manufacturing of heat in fine boiler-houses and Furnaces
demand the big expenses unqualified Works also assists
the important pollution Environment.
comparison with small boiler-houses the centralized heat
supply from regional boiler-houses provides economy of
fuel and expenses of work at manufacturing thermal
energy, however, on the other hand, and assists increase
in losses of heat at its transportation and distribution.
Besides at the centralized heat supply the important
non-uniformity of a heat supply which is expressed in
overheating separate houses, in particular during the
warm period of a cold season caused by is observed that
uniform thermal networks serve consumers with diverse
loading (heating, hot water supply, ventilation) which
demand different schedules of submission of heat. Has
overheated houses, as a rule, it is reduced by
superfluous airing premises which results in loss of
thermal energy with a filtration of air and cuts an
opportunity of useful use of the given surpluses.
As the
conclusion should be noted, that at performance of the
general program on automation of process of manufacture
and distribution of thermal energy the effect from its
introduction would have global character at rather
minimal expenses and except for economic benefit the
level of comfort has raised at using the centralized
systems of heating, ventilation and hot water supply.
Authors: Popov À.L.,the senior lecturer; Studennikov A.V., master; image A.V., master.
In this work the analysis of ways of deep clearing of smoke gases which has shown, that deep clearing of the smoke gases sated water ferry has been lead, reached as a result of wet, moist or dry clearing, due to a stage of condensation, thus the basic quantity water the pair is condensed due to cooling of cleared smoke gases. This process favourably differs that provides so deep clearing departing gases of gaseous impurity, particles of a dust and aerosols that their residual quantity does not exceed the established normative values. The purpose of existing systems of gas purification is reduction of the residual maintenance in smoke gases of a dust and aerosols with which in atmospheric air heavy metals and toxic organic components of pollution were thrown out.
Thus, as a result of process of condensation the volume of gas is essentially reduced. Due to it necessary volumes of the subsequent steps of clearing can be appreciablly reduced. It concerns not only to building volumes, but also to consumed on the subsequent steps of clearing of the energy used, for example, for repeated heating condenseds of gases. The following advantage of a stage of condensation of cleared gases will be, that gas dehydrated as a result of condensation becomes "dry", that excludes condensation of a moisture at the subsequent steps condensed and catalytic clearing of gas, and the typical trace water ïàðîâ on an exit from a chimney becomes appreciable only at very cold weather. The given ways can be used at thermal stations of Donetsk region.