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Masters scientific work

"Research of influence of a chemical compound of slag and temperature on kinetic decarburization metal on border slag-metal and development of methods on their regulation"

author: Shalimov Denis Nikolayevich
(specialization onMetallurgy of ferrous metal”)

leader: Dymnich Anatoly Haritonovich.

The purpose masters works is: studying of influence of a chemical compound of slag and temperatures of slag on kinetic decarburization metal on border slag - metal, and also development of methods on its regulation.
For achievement of the specified purpose in
магистерской to work the following problems are solved: 

1. A modern condition of a question and the research problem.

2. The technique of carrying out of researches is developed.

3. Research kinetic interactions iron-carbon drops of metal with oxidizing gas is lead.

4. Features of course of reaction decarburization on border metal - oxidizing slag are investigated.

5. Influence of temperature and a chemical compound of slag on kinetic oxidations of carbon on border is investigated undressed slag - metal.

The general characteristic of work is submitted on Ukrainian at Russian parts of a site:

Bibliography links


1.     Франк-Каменецкий Д. А. Диффузия и теплопередача в химической кинетике. –М.:Наука, 1987. – 502 с.

2.     Дымнич А. Х., Семенов Н. П., Герчеков Д. С. и др. Кинетика окисления углерода из капель сплава железа, находящихся в окислительном шлаке// Изв. АН СССР. Сер. Металлы. – 1977., №2. – 36-42 с.

3.     Никитин Ю. П., Есин О. А., Хлынов В. В. и др. исследование кинетики выгорания углерода  электрохимическими методами// Изв. вузов. Сер. Черная металлургия. – 1962, №5. – 1962, – 16-24 с.

 © 2004 Shalimov Denis