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With use of a technique of «a falling drop» laws of behavior iron-carbons drops in slag are investigated. On pressure СО in bubble is determined critical satiation of reagents at which formation education bubbles СО on border slag - metal is possible. It is established, that decrease reduction in basicity of slag and increase of his its temperature worsen conditions of formation education and growth bubble on border slag - metal.

More in Russian:

     1.  Дымнич А. Х., Семенов Н. П., Герчиков Д. С. и др. Кинетика окисления углерода из капель сплава железа, находящихся в окислительном шлаке// Изв. АН СССР. Сер. Металлы. – 1977., №2. – 36-42 с.

        2.   Казаков А.А. Кислород в жидкой стали. -М.: "Металлургия"; 1972. - 10 с.

  © 2004 Shalimov Denis