Grischenkova Marina
gr. M-99
Master pulpit "Mointain works"
"Development geoinformation planning system mountain work
at will wreathe the coal layer"
Guide: Nesterenko Boris Ivanovich
I, Grischenkova (in the girlhood Mihalichenkova) Marina Viktorovna, was born in city Donetsk 9 December 1979. My education was concerned with the parents: Mihalichenkov Viktor Aleksandrovich and Mihalichenkova Valentina Grigorievna. When I was 2 year's old, I have returned in kindergarten "Herringbone". The most bright memory of that years - a celebration of the New year, I was "snowflake" or "ukranian girl". The Suits of the awl my grandmother Suschenko Anna Ivanovna. Beside she I learned learnt to cut, sew, embroider, knit the hook, and well cook.
I finishe "zero" class in kindergartens and in 1987 I entered in 2-y class of the general school 41. The best teacher is - my first teacher Nikulnikova Lyudmila Semenovna. I studied well, and in school I have praiseworthy sheet for 4-y and 5-y classes.
In 1995 after finishing 9 class I began the student life. I have entered in Donetsk technical school of the industrial automation on profession "Usage of the meanses of communication on enterprise of coal industry" and has finished it with "red" diplom and profession electrician III category. I participated in all cultural actions.
The springtime 1999 I have entered in Donetsk national technical university (then else Donetsk state technical university) on pulpit mine surveying. The Technical school help to me in such subjects as engineering graphics, mountain deal, and in many others. I have met my love person. The 29 September 2001 I have married for Grischenkov Andrey, and I'm assistent of the pulpit mine surveying. The result of 4-years work became the reception "red" diplom of the bachelor. In magistracy I went goal-directed, becouse I didn't want to stop on reached. The leader of my work candidate of the technical sciences Boris Ivanovich Nesterenko. The subject of the work sounds so: "Development geoinformation planning system mountain work at will wreathe the coal layer".
Urgency of the subject is account of the dangerous zones at development annual and perspective programs of the development of the mountain functioning is one of the main of the tasks маркшейдерской services on coal mine. From correct building of the borders of the dangerous zones, scientifically-motivated choice of the order отработки layer in light and locations of the productions hang safety and efficiency of conduct of the mountain functioning on mine. The Development of the program of the development of the mountain functioning includes the choice of the order отработки layer in light, rational location of the mountain productions and planning of conduct очистных functioning on under development layer.
All my power are in the near future directed on writing of my functioning and completion of the magistracy. I hope that results of my scientific functioning will find its using. For future it is difficult to say anything definitely: on the one hand possible go in graduate school, but with other want to go on production.