Биография магистра факультета КИТА Евстратова Алексея Николаевича
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The curriculum vitae

Evstratov Aleksey

Faculty of Computer Information Technologies and Automatics
Group CSD-99а e-mail: bigdjo@dc.dn.ua

Master's Work: «Development of expert system of definition of a biological condition of biological cell constructed on entropy methods».

Scientific chief: Adamov V.
photo Evstratova Alexseya

I was born on April, 10, 1982 in the city of Donetsk.


Father: Nikolay Evstratov;
Mother: Lubov Evstratova;
Sisters: Maria Evstratova;

I have spent the most of my childhood in the Lvov area at my relatives' house where I had received a basic knowledge of Ukrainian and a bent for nature. I have spent my preschool years with my grandmother. The time I spent with her passed by in endless travels and games. Sometimes when I was coming back from another vacation trip or from a visit to relatives, I didn't recognize my parents at all because I was spending too little time with them.

I received a secondary education in the 114-th Donetsk school of I-III steps of general education. The exact sciences came easily to me, in contrast to the humanities. I wasn't too engaged in sport activities (football, basketball, fighting arts) up to 9-th class. At this time I did not want to succeed in them, and I had not enough spare time: I studied under my parents' watchful eye and did the household chores. At the ninth class I became fond of weightlifting and was enlisted in a school team where I spent two years. For a few last years in the school I studied in a specialised class with a physical and mathematical bias. I had won prizes in city school Olympiads (mainly dedicated to mathematics, physics and chemistry) and participated in regional ones. These prizes gave me a chance to graduate with honours.

An aspiration to knowledge of human medicine and a thirst to perspective computer sciences have brought me to the State Technical University (nowadays Donetsk National Technical University). The university is constantly developing and one can find a lot of the new information on its search page. A new and prospective speciality - Computer diagnostics' systems in medicine and technics (CDS) -focused my attention on the faculty of Computer Information Technologies and Automatics. I took a second place during rating tests, was enlisted on the chosen speciality and got a scholarship.

During education I have developed a diagnostics system based on a theory of neural networks. In my program were used the methods of a filtering, framing and recognition of images. The novations were emphasized and developed as a part of my master developments. On the third year I started to work on the faculty of Computer information technologies as an engineer, and worked there for a year.

I started the researches which build a base for my master work at the beginning of sixth semester. Before that I studied the work of other magisters. The primary task was to allocate a cell on a image and find out its planimetric and brightness parameters. The next research tasks were the following: an adaptaion of the active contours' method, a development and an adoptation of a bar graph threshold filter, and a research of a scope of entropy factors' method in the analysis of a cell's viability. It became a base of the master's work ("Development of expert system of definition of a biological condition of the cells, based on entropy methods").

The leading expert in this area on faculty is the senior lecturer, a candidate of technical sciences - Adamov Vladimir Grigorevich. His management of my work was a half of researches' success. His experience in this area and a "sense for research" led us on new ideas and ways how to overcome the difficulties. While researching the theme we have cooperated closely with the Institute of Family Problems (which is attached to the Donetsk State Medical Institute). The rich experience of this center's director, Gerasimov Igor Grigorevitch, allowed us to make enormous break in this area of researches.

Personal prospects

The further prospects I put before myself is a to become a good IT-expert and achieve of the certain heights in the market of experts of the given area. Also I want to develop further the following qualities: an even greater aspiration to a victory and all-round self-improvement as a individual as well as an professional.

My personal motto is - "Per aspera ad astra!"

    ©  Evstratov Alexsey