Statistics of search of keywords of master's degree work on the Russian-language searching servers

Date of search:
April 7, 2004

Óêðà¿íñüêà Ðóññêèé English

Personal webpage
of magister Lev Merenkov

Support of acceptance of decisions on the issue of specialists in DNTU

Results of search

"Intellectual consulting model"

ßndex Àïîðò Rambler
servers 1 023 1 938 10 590
pages 4 996 4 301 45 001

"Systems of support of acceptance of decisions"

ßndex Àïîðò Rambler
servers 912 629 35 049
pages 45 365 4 230 357 452

"Depository of information"

ßndex Àïîðò Rambler
servers 813 524 29 063
pages 79 306 2 321 192 176

"Table of fact"

ßndex Àïîðò Rambler
servers 1 172 360 36 341
pages 6 912 1 384 289 663

"Presentation of information"

ßndex Àïîðò Rambler
servers 903 520 58 264
pages 62 250 2 381 537 899

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2004, April