Шип А.А.


ICQ: 259479555

Ship Andrey Anatoljevich

Donetsk national technical university

Department of computer information technologies and automation (CITA)

Chair of automation and telecommunications

Speciality: Telecommunication systems and networks. (TCN)

Theme of dissertation:
Research and development of a reception path of unit of a radio network given by modelling of problems of electrodynamics methods.

Scientific adviser:
Dr.Sci.Tech. Vorontsov Alexander Grigorjevich

| Русский | Українська | English |

Curriculum vitae

I was born in nice city Donetsk and at all about it I do not regret, how, probably, and surrounding me people. And this significant event has come to pass on October, 12, 1982. After some diligence and attempts of my parents to force me to speak In Russian, I don`t sustained, surrendered and uttered a word. Yes, I made it! As you, probably, guessed, my first word in a life was a word Mum. It was y first success. Then I began to learn world around and to set silly and not so silly questions.

Once, on September, 1, 1989 there was an interesting case with me. I went to study to secondary school № 19. My first impressions were indescribable, yes I adored this school, therefore with great pleasure got up in the morning, gathered the portfolio and ran to school. There lovely class teacher and set of friends, which I perfectly spent time with. It was wondeful, that our school was friend of the German city Bochum, and is remembered, came to us German schoolboys, and we exchanged with them badges and other things.

But in one fine winter day 1990 our united family has replaced a residence, accordingly I should leave native school 19 and go to school that is registered under number 58. There I still should stay, at least, nine years. I patiently waited... At the end of each academic year the administration of school praised and gave creditable sheets. Precisely I do not remember, whether in the sixth, whether in the seventh class, to the surprise, I have entered in pioneers. In silent (even without drumbeat), peace and quiet conditions have tied red pioneer tie to me. We laughed, had fun, ran, but on the next day all have forgotten about it. We were last pioneers... There were months, flew years, rushed time, and somehow I have imperceptibly grown.

The tenth class. I do not look back any more - I look ahead. I have napoleonic plans, youthful maximalism. Very much thirst to become the student. At last, I have unequivocally decided, that I shall act In Donetsk State Technical University(DonSTU). I do not know precisely, what involved me in this high school.

And in one fine day before me opened doors of DonSTU. I with my schoolmate have got at open house. We sat in an assembly hall of nine building and listened to "advertising" faculties. At that time I took a great interest in computer technics, therefore my choice has fallen on departments CITA and CMI. For a long time to choose it was not necessary, as dean FCITA, Chorchordin Alexander Vladimirovich, with the big interest told about the faculty and has really intrigued. We followed him, and he has led entrants on excursion on "eight". We went, went, on corridors, we went, went, on the lift, thought, thought... Yes! I have finally decided - TKS. It is necessary for me, it is mine Speciality. Now I have aimed to enter to this high school, to this faculty, to this speciality.

In October, 1998 I have entered to access courses on mathematics as felt, that at school gave not enough knowledge to me to stand rating tests. At that time I has got used to walls of the third building and has experienced all its artful corridors.

But in the spring time it approached to do the first attempt to enter. I come, I sit and I write. On reflections there is no time, it is not enough time, very much... My hands are shaked, it throws me in cold sweat. I strain, I think, I strain the crinkles, all around of me strain... And here say:"your time is over". All this action came to end. Then I for a long time laughed, when I have found out, that could not solve normally square equation.

Attempt № 2. I am quiet, as the elephant. I sit and write. Coolly I hand over the work with confidence of tomorrow's day. I can not tell, whether expected, or I did not expect such result, but has assembled 55 points and has got to group of leaders. Yes, better! Certainly, I so simply did not surrender and tried again good to write one more, but nevertheless the best there was a result after the second attempt.

The Summer flown, and on September, 1, 1999 I left school, waved to it the handle and have come In university. I overflowed at once with a wave of a cheerful student's life, I felt any freedom and carelessness. Certainly, I gave study enough time, but it did not prevent me really to have a rest. I want to tell, that I was largly lucky with classmates , try find still such. Yes, they are not simple classmates, they are my true friends! I hope, that the life will not scatter in every possible places, and we will have opportunity to be gather and to have fun not worse, than in student's years.

After a while suddenly appeared our session. Shown, it is not such terrible as about it speak. The unpleasant thing but to suffer it is possible.

Began our second semester, all went a turn while once the dean has not come to us. He come, brought to us a joyful message and besides really intrigued. Appeared possibilty to find a job in Germany. Requirements were simple, we should study disciplines properly, and certainly and to master German .

After we didn`t think long and had to put in an application to German technical faculty. In the summer of the same year we have started to study German from beginning. We liked very much process of studying, and we had (yes, we really had) a desire to improve the knowledge of German. However, in September the teacher was changed, and already then we have felt something wrong. And than all went not so as we wanted and expected. There were some reason on which already somewhere in one year we simply forced itself to study German.

It was played for time... In the winter, during session, after long dreams, I have bought an electroguitar and at once started to be engaged in music strenuously. So in breaks between readings of various abstracts I played on tirelessly a guitar. Somewhere a month later the creative collective, heavy metal band "Avant-guard", was formed, in which I play to this day.

In the summer of 2003 I finished studying on fourth course and at the same time have obtained the bachelor's degree with distinction. In this connection have invited me in a magistracy, and I have entered there. I think, that has made Correct choice!

At present I work on the dissertation. And helps me in it my supervisor of studies - professor Vorontsov Alexander Grigorjevich. He prompts in any case, and on anyone, even the most trifling question, gives always the exhaustive answer.

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