Shushkova Aleksandra Department CITA Theme works: "Monitoring and the control of an atmosphere of industrial region of Donbass over the certain harmful components" Superviser: candidate of the technical sciences,assistant professor Gukova Tamara Porfirievna Українська Русский |
Resume Family, Name: Aleksandra Shushkova
Family status: not married, have no children
Family: father - Gennadi Shushkov, 1959
mother - Tatyana Shushkova, 1959
sister - Irina Shushkova, 1988Education: 1989-1999 years Primary School #73 Gorlovka
1999-2003 Donetsk National Technical University, Department of Computer and Information Technologies and Automatics, speciality: Automated Control Systems.
Bachelor of Computer Science honour DiplomaExpirence: Commercial enterprise "Donetsk radio", sound-producer
Languages: ukrainian, english
Practical Knowledge: OS: Windows 9x/Me/2000/XP
MS Office 97/XP: Excel, Word, Access, Outlook Express
programming: C, C++, Object Pascal, Assembler, HTML
DB: FoxPro, Access, MS SQL Server
Sonic Foundry: Sound Forge, Video VegasPersonal Characteristics: honesty, responsibility, quick learning
Interests: books, computers
Address: Donetsk, Artema str. 131а/518