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Joyful eventWas born January 19, 1982 on Ukraine in city of Donetsk.
About the most dearк and loved
My parents mum Bedareva Lyudmila Viktorovna and daddy Bedarev Alexander Viktorovich have secondary education, I became the first in our family the researcher of the world of the supreme science and I hope that my children, grandsons and great-grandsons also will want to plunge in this till now novel, and very interesting ocean of knowledge and skills.
My wife Bedareva Elena Aleksandrovna was born November, 22, 1982 in city of Donetsk, now studies in Donetsk National University at Biological faculty on a speciality "Microbiology". She too the future magister. Probably, her knowledge will help me, well and mine to her with our light future.
School days
In 1988 I have gone " first time to the first class " in school _20 Kalininskiy areas of Donetsk. Where year has studied equally and has passed in high school _11 in which studied with 2-nd on 5-th class. Each academic year for me came to an end excellent estimations and the creditable letter. But on it my transitions on schools were not finished. In 1993 my native became school - lyceum _12. In it I have lead all conscious " school days wonderful ". Was participant "KVN", "Brains - rings" and other school actions. Played school an orchestra on the tenor and school ensemble on a bass and a rhythm guitars. Very much liked and like to play football, basketball, volleyball. In 10-th class for the first time in a history of schools of Donetsk was elected the president of school republic with the cabinet and other authorities. In 1999 has received the excellent certificate of "maturity" together with the presidential letter.
Having handed over a rating, the MECH (the Mechanical equipment of factories of ferrous metallurgy) has arrived in Donetsk National Technical University on mechanical faculty a speciality. At a choice of a speciality was guided by that all our life by what that in the image it is connected to mechanisms, and skill with them " to find common language " never in life will prevent. In the choice I was not disappointed, me one of the best teachers and for it learned them huge human thank. With each year of training, I learned a lot of new and interesting. Studies for me it was not difficult - I tried to not postpone all in a long box, and " forged iron while hotly ".
1-st rate - together with the groupemats participated in " the Debut of the first-year student " with "KVN" an ohm.
2-nd rate - participated in university Olympiads.
3-rd rate - participated in competition " Mr. and Ms. of mechanical faculty " in a result has received a title " Mr. the gentleman ".
The first "initial" rates have passed in the quiet and sure rate of start to a final jump.
4-th rate - I was chosen the chairman of student's advice of mechanical faculty. This project is aimed: on improvement of mutual understanding between students and teachers; on the joint decision of arising problems in all spheres of student's life; on increase of awareness of students about university life; on increase of progress of students by forces of students and with the help of the comrades. This time became the beginning of my scientific activity. My supervisor of studies became Nikolay Aleksandrovich Chentsov. My first scientific work on a theme " Development of mathematical model скипового the lift for definition of damage of its details in view of real loadings " participated in scientific conference by spent my native faculty MOZCHM and has received the incentive diploma at competition of the best student's scientific works.
On the ending of 4-th rate has received the bachelor's degree with distinction.
5-th rate - has arrived in a magistracy of Donetsk national technical university for achievement of a new level of knowledge and skills.
Theme of mine магистерской: " Development of theoretical bases and realization on the personal computer of a method of balancing of industry-nomenclature plan (INP) in conditions of line fault service of the metallurgical enterprise ", under a sensitive management of the senior lecturer, к.т.н. Chentsov Nikolay Aleksandrovich. During planning industrial activity of the enterprise of one of decided primary goals is - the planning of the production providing uniformity and completeness of performance of the program on release of finished goods on the basis of detailed elaboration and distribution of the production program between shops according to an established manpower. Research in this direction will allow to develop methods of optimisation INP which will allow to reduce labour input and time of its processing, and also considerably to raise quality of processing.
The future
It would be desirable to find work which would benefit also emotional satisfaction. You see only then the person will work " on all hundred " when he is pleased to the work.
I hope, that the knowledge received by me and skills will be claimed, and the most important will benefit to people. You see each person should aspire to this, the work and acts to shine a way another!
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