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Bondarenko Helen
Bondarenko Helen

Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU)
Faculty: Electrotechnical (ETF)
Speciality: Electromechanical systems of automatization and electrodrive (EAPU)
Subject of work:
System engineering of vector management by the asynchronous electric drive with observers of a condition
Professor: Chekavskiy Gleb
e-mail: schone@ukr.net

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        I was born on October, 22, 1983 in the city of Donetsk, I live in Voroshilovsky district.

      Father - Bondarenko Alexander Vasiljevich, was born in 1959 in Donetsk, in 1976 has ended driving school, has received categories of driving B and C. In 1994 has ended Donetsk correspondence mountain technical school on a speciality "Òechnic-mechanic". With 1979 on 1987 work in governing the technological transport ¹3 cities Surgut driver. Since 1987 work in car-transport enterprise "Tourist" city Donetsk driver, mechanical engineer, since 1993 occupy the job title a deputy director. Now works as the regional manager of society with "Korsa LTD".

      Mother - Bondarenko Tatyana Mihajlovna, was born in 1961 in the city of Donetsk, since 1983 worked as the mechanic - repairman of the oil equipment in Surgut the Tyumen area, in 1988 has ended the rates of bookkeepers. In 1994 has ended Donetsk mountain correspondence technical school on a speciality "Bookkeeper", now works as the chief accountant of private enterprise "Promtechnica".

        In 1988 visited a kindergarten ¹ 22. Already at this age I could read fluently and well remembered products of the big sizes for this age, for what has received a leaging role in performance "Tsokotuha-fly" at which viewing my mum has tested the pride expressed by a flood of tears.

      In 1990 I have gone to the first class of high school of ¹3 Donetsk. Up to 9 classes I did not feel propensity to one subject, studied rather well. After the ending 9 classes after distribution has got in a physical and mathematical class where propensity to the exact sciences - mathematics and physics was showed. Special gratitude I want to express the principal, my mathematics teacher and instructor Pinchuk Vyacheslav Andreevichu, imparted to me love to "queen of sciences", and also my teacher of physics Tchernyshev Vasily Grigorjevichu, that has learned not only physics, but also assiduity, to diligence and purposefulness. In 10 and 11 classes participated in regional Olympiads on physics, chemistry, mathematics (4 place in regional Olympiad on mathematics and 6 on city Olympiad on physics). About 9 classes under the insisting of parents began to be engaged in mathematics in addition with the tutor who could prepare me for entrance examinations in Donetsk state technical university. During study at school attended in the evenings musical school of name Leontovich ¹1 on a class of a piano which has stopped in 1998. Three years also have been devoted to a vocal at musical school ¹2.

        I want to express gratitude to parents, that tried to borrow my free time something useful, developing. Since 1997 within 6 years was engaged in track and field athletics at school of an Olympic reserve. To leaving school I already precisely knew, in what HIGH SCHOOL to me to arrive and on what speciality. I have left school in 2000 and by results of interview have been enlisted on a speciality "The Electric drive and automation of plants" (EAPU). The choice I think quite proved as speciality EAPU universal, its graduates are claimed in all branches of a national economy.

        4 years of training I not once had to prove all, that my knowledge it is not worse, and sometimes and surpassed knowledge of my fellow students. Difficulties have tempered my character, and I can tell, with some pride, that I unique from all stream EAPU have received the bachelor's degree electromechanics with distinction. On the second rate I have decided to master and an economic speciality therefore I became the student of Faculty of retraining of personnel, specialities "The Account and audit". In February, 2005 I have successfully passed the state examinations and have received the diploma of the bookkeeper - economist, have decided to continue training on the expert. Presently it is necessary to know foreign language, therefore since October, 2004 I study German language on rates of foreign languages from the Kiev state university.

        2004-2005 - training in a magistracy of Donetsk national technical university under the direction of the senior lecturer of faculty EAPU by Chekavskiy Gleb, the senior lecturer of faculty EAPU. A theme works - "System engineering of vector management by the asynchronous electric drive with observers of a condition". The basic purpose - designing of system and research of systems of vector management by the asynchronous engine which are astatic on loading, by use in them observers of a condition.

        After the ending of a magistracy I shall try to all knowledge which were given me by Donetsk national technical university, to find worthy application in practice. Very much it would be desirable to continue training in postgraduate study and to remain to work in teaching structure of faculty "The Electric drive and automation of plants".

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