Savenko YuliaSavenko Yulia

The student of group EPG-00
Theme masters works:
"Influence of a nonsinusoidal voltage on job of power transformers"
The scientific supervisor is:
Doctor of Science, professor Kurenniy Edward

e-mail: SYS.83@MAIL.RU

I was born on January 13, 1983 in small town Krasnogorovka of Donetsk region. Mother – Savenko Irina, 1960, the medical worker and father – Savenko Sergey, 1959, the engineer.
The early childhood passed as well as all children: the sea of sweets, ice – cream and others of a similar sort of pleasures inherent in the given age. At the same time as well as each diligent child I regularly attended a children's garden "Gold fish" and as soon as possible was standing up on protection all offended. I Was the kind and sociable child. I Was taking part in the concert programs in children garden and outside of him.
In 1989 I went to the first class of school #1 Krasnogorovka. With love and gratitude I recollect the first teacher Lyudmila Zaikina. From the first days of learning I took part in public life of school. In junior classes – sang in chorus and later was appearing on stage of school as vokalist. The study was given easily school years till now I recollect with pleasure. Favourite subjects were mathematics, biology, Russian literature. Since then I very much like to read is especially classic. Favourite classic are "Master and Ìargarita" Ì.Bulgakov, "A Crime and punishment" F.Ì.Dostoevskiy, "Red and black" Stendal. I was presented on regional and town olympiads on mathematics, Russian and literature, biology, physics of my school. In 11 class I began intensively studing algebra.
During school years owing to direct participation in life of a class I has developed organizer abilities and I was the assistant captain of a class and support of the class advisor. Besides learn I visited various sections: acrobatics, basketball, aerobics. In 2000 I has ended school with honours.
The following step is a receiving of higher education to what beforehand beginnings prepare. With this purpose visited preparatory courses which were taking place at university. Already then for itself I has noted a high level of knowledge of the teachers.
In 2000 on a rating I have entered Donetsk state technical university (DonSTU), nowadays Donetsk national technical university (DonNTU), on Electrotechnical faculty on a speciality "Electrotechnical systems of a power consumption" (EPG).
The receipt in Donetsk national technical university was decided beforehand. The choice of high school was predetermined as in a near future the necessity for the experts of technical trades will be increased. And the responses about quality of teaching and received knowledge were more than are convincing. At what the education received at this university already for a long time is recognized not only at us but also in many countries of the world as one of best. Faculty and speciality were chosen not casually. I consider that the electroenergetics industry is a branch have been advanced and is develop. Thanks to the teachers – experts which work on our faculty all materials is perceived easily and learn more easily. In DonNTU has found most importantly – qualitative and all – round education. Taking place in olimpiad on our faculty on a speciality among the students of our flow has occupied the second place.
In 2001 I was nominated as captain of group. I was nominated as captain of a course. Duties captain is allocated and now but already at masters of a speciality EPG.
During study I seriously was engaged on the physical culture. Was awarded with the official document of engaged 1-st place in championship DonSTU of aerobics. Also is awarded with the official document as the prize – winner of open tournament by commands aerobics what was devoted eightieth anniversary DonSTU. In it the great services of my teacher, professional sportswoman and good woman Shumiatskaya Katerina.
During training had liked and had realized all importance of the chosen profession.
In 2004 has received excellent appreciation in the examination on the bachelor's diploma. For reception of more of knowledge on the chosen speciality has decided to continue study in magistracy.
The scientific teacher of master's work on a theme "Influence of a nonsinusoidal voltage on work of power transformers" the professor Kurenniy Edward. The work of an electrical network in nonsinusoidal rates results in increase of losses in her elements and consequently and additional heating. Therefore it is possible to reduce influence of nonsinusoidal current by job of electroinstallations, though the listed consequences exclude difficultly.
Theme of master's work is very interesting and topical I hope to say a new word in this area.
I aspire with success to finish university and, if there will be an opportunity, to continue study in a post – graduate study. I shall aspire differently to find worthy application to the received knowledge and to make new openings. You see each man should make for the life maximal useful businesses and then it is possible to say that he has lived the life is not vain.