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Tityaev Denis 2005
Tityaev Denis Konstantinovich

Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU)
Faculty: Electrotechnical (ETF)
Speciality:Electrical stations (ES)
Theme of work:
The Analysis of processes at arc phase to ground faults in system of own needs 6kV Power Plant
Supervisor: Dergilev Mihail Pavlovich (page)


        Curriculum vitae of master's work          Electric library          References on theme          The results of search          Individual task

        I was born on the 27-th of September 1983, in Dzerzhinsk city, Donetsk region.
      My father is Tityaev Konstantin Andreevich, ukrainian, was born in 1954. He has the not finished higher education, now he is working as an underground electromechanic on repair of trunks on the mine "Toretskaya".
      My mother is Tityaeva Svetlana Anatoleevna, russian, 1957year of birth. She has graduated from the Druzhkovsk machine-building technical school now she is working on JS DEMZ "Sensor" in technical control department.
      My sister is Tityaeva Olga Konstantinovna, 1986 year of birth. She is a student of Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU).

        In the preschool period I was brought up in kindergarden "Cheburashka" in Dzerzhinsk, where I have learned to read and to write. So at school walls I entered well-trained that has impressed my first teacher.
      At 01.09.1990 I had gone to secondary school N9 in Dzerzhinsk, in which I had got primary education. At school I liked laboratory lessons very much, where I made various trinkets and household goods by hand. On this discipline I took part in city competition, where occupied the second place. I displayed keen interest in physical culture lessons, because there I could give an exit of my collected energy. Frankly speaking, up to the eighth form the study interested me very little. I as everyone boy of my age led careless children's life which has left indelible impressions in my memory. Then I settled down and began to build my life myself as they say because I understood that it is necessary to get a good education to leave a worthy trace after myself and not to stain my teachers' good name. The first year of excellent learning was very difficult to me I literally had led my classmates up to "delirium tremens " by silly and incongruous questions on mathematics, geometry and other subjects, which cannot be taken with out an effort. But then the study went on the amendment. I could show diligent and conscientiousness and as is well known talent is a 99 % of laborious work on oneself.

        After finishing ninth form with excellent certificate (two marks “good”) I decided to continue study at native school, because I had heard from the senior generation that these two years will be unforgettable years for me and I would not feel sorry about the decision. At 10-11 forms I seriously studied such subjects as mathematics, history, plotting. Within the period from ninth to eleventh forms annually took part and always won prize-winning places at school and urban competitions in history and geography for what was awarded with official documents. I took part in school show "Natalka-Poltavka" (by I. Kotliarevskiy) and in episode from a novel-epopee "War and World" (L. N. Tolstoy). About three years I was the member of school chorus, which performance was even shown on local TV.

        From the early childhood I was found of sport: football, basketball, karate, weightlifting also is not the complete list. I could completely realize myself in boxing, where I have get the first category. Since sixteen years I am found of collecting of coins, i.e. I am numismatist. In a period of 18-19 years I began to write poetry, but only when I have an inspiration. I was not published. I am romantic that is why I like very much to spend free time in a narrow circle of friends on a nature near a fire under a melodious sound of a guitar. From eight years old I am found of summer and winter fishing. The most unforgettable trophy I ever had is a bream on 3.5 kg.

        19.06.00 I ended school with excellent certificate. After leaving I wanted to get a speciality of a fireman, but I had to forget about my dream on a state of health. So on 25.06.00 I have handed my documents in an entrance examination commission of Donetsk State Technical University (Don STU), now DonNTU on a speciality " Electrical stations ", where I was enlisted by the results of interview on 31.06.00. I chose this high SCHOOL and this speciality by a number of reasons. First of all I wanted to study in the large city and at the same time in a prestigious educational institution, which would have good reputation not only in Ukraine. Secondly studying at school I had a course on a program "Electrical engineering" in Dzerzhinsk professional training centre and I had received the certificate of the electrician. This speciality had interested me and I decided to continue further education. Besides, engineer - electrician trade is demanded nowadays and there is a high probability to find good work after graduation.

        The first year of studying was given very hard to me. I leave off home, off usual habits and get into the habit of new conditions. I lived in a hostel N7 of DonNTU. At the beginning it was not possible to arrange free time rationally, because I wanted have a walk on Donetsk, to communicate with new friends, to go into sport and. Aside from all this, I had to have time to study, because of this the first session had handed over hardly, but nevertheless has hold out on the grant. Then the student's life has gone by its turn. I had both pleasure and disappointment, but fortunately I had pleasure more often.
        01.07.01 all our group went on acquainting practice on thermal electrical station Zygres, where for the first time I has got acquainted with specificity of the chosen trade. After that event I am found of my specificity and I decided to become the first class expert in this area, therefore knowledge on all subjects of this branch, which was given to us on the following years I absorbed with the great pleasure.
        Being a student in the second year of study I became the member of boxing team of DonNTU, at which I training two years. In the process of my studying at the University I took an active part at conferences being conducted in history and philosophy. I was awarded by the certificate for the work on subject "The Comparative Analysis of Vector and Traditional Pulse-Duration Modulation". This work took part in University students' scientific works competition at 2004/2005 academic year on section " General electrical engineering ".
        At 25.07.04 with excellent mark I passed the state examinations on a speciality "Electrical stations". At 25.07.04 I was graduated from the Donetsk National Technically University with the Honors degree and have acquired base higher education on a direction "Electrical engineering" and qualification of the bachelor's degree on electrical engineering.

        I decided to continue my further education and went to magistracy. The supervisor of my master’s thesis is Ph.D. of electric engineering, Dergilev Mihail Pavlovich who was graduated from the Donetsk Polytechnic Institute in 1964 on a speciality " Electrical stations, networks and systems ". The theme of my master’s work is "The Analysis of processes at arc phase to ground faults in system of own needs 6kV Power Plant ". At conditions of a strong injure of isolation of an electric equipment of electrical networks the more pressing there is a question of supporting the reliability of electrical supply of the consumers. The solution of this problem considerably depends on correctness understanding of processes at arc phase to ground faults as the most often kind isolations’ damage. My master’s thesis is devoted just to this question, where with the help of mathematical and physical simulation the processes in networks of own needs will be investigated at arc phase to ground faults and on this basis the measures on increase the reliability of networks’ work in unusual conditions are developed.

        After protection the master’s thesis I am planning to be arranged in work on a speciality. I shall try to combine theoretical luggage of knowledge received at university with practice for my further professional growth and I hope to reach new horizons in career. My professional activity I shall try to connect with power because this is the responsible branch of manufacture, which holds on the shoulders all industrial and economic life of the country. Concerning to my speciality I shall say: "Well-educated engineers were and will be necessary always and everywhere! "

        Curriculum vitae of master's work          Electric library          References on theme          The results of search          Individual task