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L.F.S. : Uvarov Dmitri RomanovichFacultet : Ecology and Chemical TechnologyDepartment : "Applied Ecology and Enviroment Protection"Specialization : Chemical technology refractory not-metal and silicat materialsDissertation theme : "The receipt of alumina from nefelins"The scientific supervisor : Ph.D. Associate Professor Bilomerya Nickolay Yosiphovich |
Was born on June 5, 1983 in city Makeevka. There also I live.The mother - Uvarova Maria Aphanasievna was born on October 23 1958ã. The medical worker.The father - Uvarov Roman Nikolaevich was born on February 1 1961ã.Till 6 years went in a children's garden. With 1989ã. on 2000ã. was trained in schol ¹11 in Makeevka. Liked school subjects were chemistry, physics, biology. With 1998ã. on 2000ã. in parallel studied a rate "Biology" in regional Liceum “Ýðóäèò”. At 8-11 classes took part in urban and regional events on various disciplines: chemistry, physics, biology, geography. 10 class has won in urban event at the rate "Biology". The high graduated pupsl never was, school has ended with the usual certificate. After leaving school acted at once in some high schools, but has chosen in a result Donetsk National Technical University, as I consider, that the future not for humanitarians and theorists, and behind the experts - technologists. A speciality, as well as majority of the students of our high school, chose carefully having studied the list of the future investigated disciplines and prospects of job. Has acted on interview. I live from ours DonNTU rather close to university (Makeevka now became almost sleeping area of Donetsk), therefore to settle in a hostel to me it was not necessary. The speciality chosen by me is called ÒRÌ or “ Chemical technology refractory not-metal and silicat materials ”. The speciality, chosen by me, I consider rather perspective, since if ÕÕ the century was "century of plastic", ÕÕI will be "century of keramics and compozite materials". From 3-rd rate became master of group, and couple of years after and master of a rate. SRJOS (scientific research job of the student) I am engaged under the direction of the professors Bilomerya Nickolay Yosiphovich. Ç òåìè: “Reception alumina from nefelins". Alumina - basic raw material by manufacture of such metal as aluminium. The theme of researches from the ecological and economic points of view is rather perspective, as two problems are solved at once: Resourse problem, since Ukraine has no industrial stocks alumina consistsed of breedsEcological problem of utilization techogen materials borrowing a significant site of fertile groundsThe job in a direction, close to this, on faculty was already conducted about one year. My supervisor of studies, besides perfect theoretical knowledge in the area, is the man with a wide experience in various technological questions. It rather has helped me with my research job. The fourth rate of university I have finished with the red bachelor's degree. After the fourth rate has entered magisters. The training in masters is interesting enough. During training in masters I plan to take part in the International scientific conference of the post-graduate students and students, to write and to publish some scientific clauses, and also to continue research activity. About the future to speak while early, though certainly it would be desirable to work on a speciality, receiving thus the worthy salary. And about the so-called "strategic" plans and planed of the own future on nearest years 20, as write many I'll say so: There is good east wisdom - " Tell about the plans for the future and make laugh the god ". |
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Uvarov Dmitri®
Donetck National Technical University