
Electronic sources on the theme: "Establishment of rational parameters of subsystem of occasion of executive branch of passage combine with new structural decisions"
Made by Kislun A.V.
Technical description of passage combine KPD (boulevard) [2ekv35-100.rtf](28Kb).
Producer is OAO "May day electromechanics factory by name Marks Charles".
The draft of engine is a 2ÝÊÂ3,5-100Ó5 (overall and snap sizes) [2ekv35-100.jpg](69Kb)
Producer is OAO "May day electromechanics factory by name Marks Charles".
Technical description of passage combine KPD (boulevard) [kpd.htm].
Commercial and industrial company «Ukruglemash».
A developer is the "Dongyprouglemash institute".
Manufacturer -ZAO "Gorlovskyy mashynostoytel'".
Gorbatov P.A. Scientific bases of development of mekhatronycheskykh subsystems of drives of executive branches of prokhodcheskykh combines are the // Mountain information-analytic bulletin. IT IS Ì.: MGGU, 2004. [alg.htm]
The rational algorithm of planning of the DEO subsystem is grounded In the article.
Mizin V.À., Mizin S.V. Ground of kinematics chart of drive of executive branch of passage combine for optimization of the modes of destruction of breeds of a different fortress is // Engineer. it is Donetsk: DonNTU, 2003. ¹ 3. - p. 144 - 146. [mizin.rtf](33Kb)
In work from position of the modes of destruction of breeds the kinematics chart PSDEO is grounded.
Gorbatov P.A., Petrushkin G.V., Lysenko N.M. Mountain machines and equipment - In 2 ò. Ò.1 is Donetsk: RYA DonNTU, 2003. - 295 p. (fragment) [avyom.rtf](55Kb)
Common information about the tasks of automation of mountain machines is expounded in a fragment.
In a plan resulted: graph of educational process, plan of educational process, and also plan of work of student.