Gorbatenko V.P., Konareva S.V.
(the FM department)
rise of firmness of details of press instrument for making of wares from
heat-resistant materials is an enough important task. For the flags of pressform,
which work in the conditions of abrasive wear, for an economy in place of the
staley type H12 in a number of cases apply tsementuemie to steel with
consolidating by their himiko-termicheskoy treatment In accordance with the
operating requirements for providing of necessary wearproof pressform hardness
of surface of flags must be no less than 59 HRC. At the same time in practice,
the cases of receipt of the lowered hardness of working surfaces of flags after
HTO are marked. The possible reasons of this can be related both to violations
of technology of consolidating treatment, and with influencing of the initial
structural state and terms of preceding treatments.
With the purpose of establishment of reasons of insufficient firmness of
working elements of press instrument and subsequent adjustment of existent
parameters of consolidating treatment a structure and hardness of the flags of
pressform, made from sheet steel 20Õ after treatment in the conditions of
operating production on the following modes, was explored:
Mode 1. Cementation in hard karbyurizatore at a temperature 920-
950oC with self-control 10-12 hours, cooling on air.
Mode 2. Tempering from the cementation heating after podstugivaniya to
Mode 3. Tempering from the cementation heating after podstugivaniya to
Mode 4. Treatment on the mode 2 + tempering from the separate heating to
The study of structure of standards after treatment on the mode 1 allowed
to set that the depth of tsementovannogo layer on the whole responds to request
(h ³
1,5 mm), however there is a different depth of layer from different sides of
flags. Thus, on one side of flags a depth could make 3.3,5 mm, and on other -
1,5.1,6 mm. The reason of heterogeneous satiation can be the inefficient piling
of flags in a box for cementation. The given measuring of hardness, presented on
a picture 1, testify that hardness after cementation made 35-45 HRC, and after
treatment on the mode 2 was found at a level ~58
HRC, consolidating on the mode 3 provides the receipt of hardness 60 - 62 HRC,
and on the mode 4 - 62 - 63 HRC.
The results of rentgenostrukturnih researches allow to assume that the
decline of hardness of steel hard-tempered from the cementation heating can be
related to the promoted maintenance of remaining austenita in a superficial
layer, which made ~41%.
At the study of structure of tsementovannogo layer after tempering from the
cementation heating the presence of coarse-grained structure with middle
measuring corns was exposed ~
mkm. Conducting of tempering from the separate heating resulted in the receipt
of more than dispersion structure of austenita with middle one measuring corns
10-17 mkm. The analysis of frequency distribution curves of corns of austenita
on the sizes presented on a picture 2 shows that the more than shallow and more
than even corn of austenita in a tsementovannom layer is formed after the double
In connection with that the flags of pressform are made from a sheet,
including got and the controlled rolling, in the initial state a metal is
characterized by the presence of developed structural poloschatosti, which was
not fully removed even after the protracted self-control during cementation.
Forming of raznozernistoy structure of austenita in the process of cementation
resulted in the receipt of raznozernistoy ferrito-perlitnoy structure of metal
of serdtsevini and transitional area after cementation and slow cooling. In a
structure the large on sizes areas of perlita, located in the fields of
dispersion ferrito-perlitnoy structure, were visible. It can serve as a
certificate of presence of very large corns of austenita in the structure of
steel before diffusive transformation.
order to additionally affect a structure in the initial state, before cementation
conducted preliminary
- annealing or tempering. The complete cycle of consolidating heat treatment in
this case set following modes:
5. Annealing at 870oC before
cementation, cementation with the subsequent cooling on air, tempering from the
separate heating from 800oC.
Mode 6. Tempering from 870oC before cementation, cementation with the
subsequent cooling on air, tempering from the separate heating from 800oC.
Research of microstructure of standards after such treatments allowed to
set that after the mode 5 the raznozernistaya structure
of krupnoigolchatogo martensita is formed, and after treatment on the
mode 6 martensit had the more than fine-grained structure, that, obviously and
was instrumental in the receipt of more than high hardness 61 - 63 HRC, than
after the mode 5 - 59 - 60 HRC.
Thus, the positive influencing of tempering is experimentally confirmed
from the separate heating to the structure and properties of tsementovannoy
steel 20Õ after cementation in hard karbyurizatore.