I, Kuzmenko Olga, was born on July, 5 1983y in Donetsk.

In 1985y I went out into preschool № 234.

Finishing by 8th a class and, successfully handing over preliminary examinations, I entered Donetsk technical kolleg (now it is simple Donetsk kolleg) in a technical class, and more precisely - in a group with a fiziko-matematicheskim slope.

In 2000y. entered a Donetsk National Technical University, on speciality applied materialovedenie.

On passing in 2004y. conferences on a department to direction occupied "applied materialovedenie" the first place and recipient of an award by the deed of winner for work on a theme: "RESEARCH of INFLUENCING of the MODE MAKING ON STRUCTURE of HARD ALLOYS On the basis of CARBIDE of TUNGSTEN by METHODS of QUANTITATIVE METALLOGRAPHY".

In the same year got the diploma of bachelor with a difference and entered city council for the receipt of diploma of master's degree of metallurgy.

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