Sboui Anis
Specialization : Computer Systems and Networks.
Dissertation's theme : Analysis and Simulation of Web-server Performance
Scientific supervisor : Professor: Sviatni V.A
E-mail: Sboui@newmail.ru |
Languages: Arabic mother tongue
French mother tongue
English fluent (oral and written)
Russian fluent (oral and written)
Computers languages: Assembler, Delphi , C, C++, SQL, Oracle, Java, HTML, Visual Basics, VHDL.
- 1984 to 1990: Primary School (Tunis)
- 1990 to 1997: Lyceum (Tunis)
- 1997 to 1999: National Professional Center of Telecommunication - Tunis
- 1999 to 2000: Preparatory in Russian language
- since 2001: Donetsk National Technical University , Master of Computer Systems and Networks (end of study: January 2006)
- 20/07/1998 to 20/08/1998: Intern with TUNISIA TELECOM, Tunis (Installation & support of Frame Relay & X25 connections)
- 02/05/1999 to 02/07/1999: Intern with FAZ TELECOM (SIEMENS), Tunis (Installation & support of switchers & digital telephone equipment)
- 02/08/1999 to 31/08/1999: Intern with SOTUTEL, Tunis (Installation & support of switchers & digital telephone equipment, e.g. Alcatel, Siemens, LG)
- 28/07/2003 au15/08/2003: Intern with the TUNISIAN INTERNATIONAL ARABIC BANK (BIAT), Tunis (Installation, support & programming of system networks)
- 02/08/2004 to 28/08/2004: Intern with TUNISIA TELECOM, Tunis (Installation & support of Frame Relay connections, ATM & ADSL)
QUALIFICATIONS Diploma of Russian language Diploma of Technician in Telecommunications Bachelor of Computers Science (July 2004)  |