Anohina Victoria Sergeevna AutobiographyChildhood Enrollment My future plans ChildhoodI was born on October 27, 1983. My native land was the capital of the miner's region, big and beautiful city Doneck. My parents - Sergey Anatolievich Anohin - a metalworker and Anohina Inna Yurievna - teacher. My childhood was boring. When I was one-and-a-half year old, I was sent in Petropavlovsk-Zabaykalsk (the decembrists were also there, too), then for five years in Bekabad (city in Uzbekistan). Soon, my grandmother became bored with these exiles, and she has left on pension and the last year before school I have conducted in Donetsk, in flickering glimmer and comfort. When I was seven, my life had its first disillusionment - I need to go in school. However the most terrible was realized after the first lesson - that was to last for whole ten years. Parallel with occupation in general school I was going to music school on class pianoforte. Aside from school I sometimes had occupations with the archeological society, gym sections, aerobics, ball dance and drawing class. After seventh class our parallel has redistributed on three specialized classes. I have fallen into class with physo-mathematical specialization. But my class teacher was ukrainian language teacher, so after the eighth class I has escaped to the Donetsk Technical College. The teachers here, mostly, were very good and nice people. For the period of the education in DTC I participated in KVN-ah, learned to play in bridge, got acquaintances with every pupil. Most of all I liked that there all time something occurred: that political play (each class was a state wihich determined by policy, political build, nathional currency), competitions on bridge, and once a year we protruded "technaryki" and each class needed to think out its enterprise. We leased the toilet - god that was the most brilliant financial affair ever. In college all time anyone came, and told something - that stodgy, that not much. The disillusionment was one - when came Pisarev (that him to tell, and sing he will not die, we all waited one... but he as well as has not jumped.) Enrollment...In school beside I quite well went the mathematics and informatics and I have tried to enter on faculty of the computing machinery and informaticses on professions software automatic systems. Thereby since first September 2000 I was enrolled in students Doneckogo state technical university (since 2001 DonNTU).The Teachers in our university basically knowing and highcoskilled, listen the lectures as a rule interesting. For time of the education in university I have studied receiving the free fight and the following technologies and programming languages: S/S++/C++ Builder, Pascal/Delphi, Assembler, Java, JavaScript, UML. At the end of the fourth rate I gave the statement for continuation of the education in university before reception degree master - who his(its) knows that our state придумает, but master sounds the красивее. After delivery of the state exam and receptions baccalaureate I was enrolled in group магистрантов,where and concern with on сей day. As tasks for writing master's work I have got the necessary subjects:"Get's knowledges from Internet in the form of the ontologies for building applied knowledgebase". At present I, under the direction of Fedyaeva Olega Ivanovicha, seminal work on development of the intellectual convertor. My future plansMy life has to be full of events, to bring good money and moral satisfaction. Such I see myself in 5 years and more. As for much longer period, it is hard to say. One thing that know, I want to be experienced person, want to be needed and be in a good shape. Childhood Enrollment My future plans |
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