I, Tsololo Sergei Aleksey (aka solos), was born on Monday, the 18th of April 1983, it was half past midnight. My birthplace was the maternity hospital #6 in Donetsk, Donetsk region, Ukrainan SSR.
In my childhood I was a very calm boy and absolutely did no harm to people surrounding me. By the age of 2.5 years I acquired the art of reading and writing, this fact made my mother very happy, cause she laid lot's of efforts on that, when 6 years old I learnt the happiness of communicating with beings like me in kindergarten where I became for the first time part of the society.
On the 1st of September 1990 began the 10-year-long term of my studying at school #60 in Donetsk, where I always studied perfectly. It was easy for me to study (not mentioning chemistry), I was absolutely indifferent to all the subjects, except Russian literature. Several teachers seriously and positively (I hope!) influenced my views and character.
Concuretenly with school I was studying at musical school by piano class. I was strongly against it then but now I understand the rightness of this step. Since then I adore classic music especially organ and piano.
At the end of 8th form I entered the coterie for interested in computers at regional palace of youth art? where I achieved the simplest skills of using PC and learnt to play Heroes of Might and Magic and DOOM. This direction was so interesting for me, that it defined my destiny.
On finishing 9 forms in 1998 I passed the exams entered the Donetsk lyceum "Intellect", the computer oriented form. the next 2 years were dedicated to deepened studying of CS, theory of algoritms and computer graphics. I took part in several conferences on computer science in Donetsk Institute of AI; won the first prizes at contests on computer science and history. The graduating the lyceum in 2000 was celebrated by receiving the gold medal, which now is hanging on the wall.
As the place of receiving further education I've chosen the Computer Science faculty in Donetsk National Technical University (against the want of my former teachers). The entrance exams had the form of ratings and it improved my knowledge in CS and exams. The only doubtful moment was choosing the specialty on this faculty. only time will show whether I was right or wrong, but I hope that exactly this specialty will help me in achieving my aims in life.
Now I'm interested in various directions of computer hardware and software development. Since 2001 I've been working in Computing Center (CC), take part in developing ASM "Deanery", ASM "Inspection Board", which are being used in our university. Due to this I've learnt good enough to work databases, to construct complex client queries to SQL-server (MS SQL Server 2000), to write client software using Inprise Delphi. At this moment I'm explore the problems of interaction between MS SQL Server and Apache web server + PHP, it's required to access different university's information (such as academic plans, inspections boards march, etc.) through the Internet. I believe that exactly the access to a greater amount of information on DonNTU through the Internet will raise his rating in Ukrainian informational space.