Theme: |
"Research method of using distributed modules for information security" |
Teacher: |
Zinchenko J.E. |
I was born in Donetsk in 1982. When I was seven years old I went to the first form. I studied in general school. When I was in the third form in our school an Art school was opened. That time I could draw rather well for my age and my parents wanted to dispatch me to the drawing group. However I didn't enter the Art school. But I started going in for sport instead of drawing. At first I went in for swimming then fluently changed it on athletics and afterwards got back in a swimming group where I didn't stay too long.
When I was in the sixth form our form-master, a mathematics teacher, organized a math circle which worked on holidays. I visited this circle approximately two times. There I heard about scale of notation notion first time. In general I liked natural philosophy, particularly physics and chemistry. In the ninth form I even was on the point to be a chemist. After the ninth form at first I intended to go some technical school but later I changed my mind and entered tenth form.
In the tenth form my parents bought me a computer. At first I used it only for playing computer games, but then started to attempt to write short programs in Pascal. I decided to acquire computer profession.
In the eleventh form I began to attend rating training courses. I chose "System programming" speciality because I liked its description in "Donetsk Polytechnic" paper most of all. In 2000 I finished school well and entered in Donetsk State Technical University.
On the third course I came interested in VHDL language which allow describe digital systems and at a later time synthesize and implement them on programmable chips (FPGA). In spring I took part in VHDL testing, which organized ALDEC company. I passed testing and in summer went to Poland for practice work in Gdansk city. On the practice I got more intimate knowledge of VHDL and FPGA technologies. After forth course I was lucky to have practice in Poland once more, this time in Zarnowiec City. On the fifth course I recieved an invitation for two months practice in Zarnowiec City. I was developing test base for DCM (Digital Clock
Manager) which uses for synchronization management in digital devices. Tests were prepared
in VHDL and Verilog languages.
On the forth course I also came interested in distributed systems. The most famous example of distributed system is Internet. Therefore I decided to study them in the context of Research Effort of Student. From here I decided concern myself with problems of information protection in distibuted systems. This problem became a theme of my master's thesis. In context of this theme I also plan development of protection mechanisms on the application layer with using .NET technology and on the data link layer by development a hardware module of coder and decoder for Secured Ethernet. I consider that information protection always will be urgent question because with development of new protection mechanisms new ways of circumvention are inventing. I think that with working at this theme I also have an opportunity to learn the most leading software and hardware technologies.
After graduation I am going to work as computer specialist most likely in area that concerned with some aspect of my theme. In future I see myself as highly skilled specialist who excellently knows his profession and is good in work. I consider that I will work in firm what develop software or hardware products. At a later time when I will gain practice experience maybe I will organize my own firm.