GROUP: ÒÒR - 00b
FAKULTY: Mining and geology faculty
THEME OF MASTER'S WORK: "Exploration of Statistical Contact Tension in the Time of Interaction of Balls with Details of Coordinating Device of Pulsation-pump"
SCEINTIFIC SUPERVISER: Candidate of engineering sciences Filimonenko Nikolay Tiverievich
Very joyful event, my birth, happened in the life of my parents, Pamirskaya Olga Mikhaylovna and Pamirskiy Vladimir Anatolievich, in the city children’s hospital 6 of Leninskiy District in Donetsk City on the 24th of May,1983 at 9.40. It was a sunny and bright day, birds were singing outside. I was the first but not the only child. My sister, Svetlana, was born on the 29th of May, 1985. My brother, Alexei, was born on the 18th of October, 1990. My character matches my sign of horoscope, the Twins. It is dual, too. I am often confused and I do not know what is better for me to choose, to enter either this institute or that one, to choose either this speciality or that one, to get married or not.
In 1985 the parents sent me to the nursery school, Called Romashka (the Camomile). I almost do not remember that part of my life. In 1987 they sent me to the kindergarten Solnyshko (the Sun). I was not enthusiastic about going there, because they made us to sleep there, and to eat porridge, but I didn’t like in.
In 1991 I went to the first form. In contrast to kindergarten, I went to school with great pleasure. I liked to study and dot to know something new. I went to school 25 for first 3 years, and then I went to school 68 for 5 years, because of changing my place of residence.
To study in the school was not difficult for me, because of knowledge, which I had god thanks to my parents. I finished first 3 forms wish excellent marks. Then I became lazier, and I finished the 9th form with two satisfactory marks. My parents wanted me to enter the Lyceum of Artificial Intellect. But I wouldn’t have passed it wish my marks. And I decided to study in the 10th and 11th forms.
I finished the 11th form in school 62 with 2 good marks. I took part in school and district competitions in Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology. I was rewarded wish school certificates of good work and conduct for taking first positions.
Most of all, I liked to study Mathematics, and I had only excellent marks in it. But I always had problems with English. I have been studying it from the 1st form in the school to the 1st course in the institute. But I am not proud of my knowledge that’s why I want to be in earnest about learning English after graduating from the institute. Now I do not have time for it.
I am an active person by nature. I do not like to stay without doing something. I have organizational abilities. That’s why I was the leader of my class in primary school, and I was the class monitor in the senior school.
School years were saturated and merry. But unfortunately they had frown so quickly. Only best memories and read friends were left after it.
I couldn’t decide at once which institute to enter. I would like to get some professions such as accountant, mathematician, ecologist. I wanted to enter the Faculty of Mathematics in Donetsk National University. But they said that I needed a lot of money to pay for entrance. My parents didn’t have it. And most of all, I wanted to be an ecologist, because I worry about future life of the mankind. I am indignant at what people have done to nature. Because of technological progress and its influence on environment, the problem of survival of all living things is too strong. This is all about ecology. When I came for test, everything I wrote was correct. But they told me, that I should not have done my best, because the group had been completed. This is how I became a member of working group in Technology of Technical Prospecting. I had been studying and working during a year. And that year was the most memorable. I got acquainted with a lot of new people, so different in their characters. And I should have found the way to all of them, because I was a monitor and a leader. It was difficult, but full of fun.
During my study on the 1st course in the faculty of Geology and Mining, I found out that a geologist was very interesting profession, too. It appeared that in our Faculty there was a profession that connected both specialities. It was called Ecological Geology.
After the first yeas of study it was possible to change your speciality to another one. There were only 2 places. I didn’t know about it and I was late. That’s why I should howe continued my study on the same speciality I entered the institute, Technology of Technical Prospecting. They told me the speciality was for men. But during my study I liked it. We had an exciting Department, teaching staff and friendly group. If there were not their support, I would not graduate from the institute and decide to continue my study on the fifth course. Ecologist – geologist is able to settle ecological problems, caused by geological processes and natural phenomena, caused by influence of mining industry on the environment, and problems, caused by liquidation of mines.
After finishing the 4th course and successful passing the exams in 2004 I received first-class Diploma of Technical Engineer in geological Prospecting.
I didn’t decide what I would do in the future. But I know that I want to work for the welfare of the mankind and out country. I want to change something for better. I think that every human being was born with reason. He should do something useful for the mankind for his name to be on everybody’s lips for years.
For present I think the greatest achievement in my life is birth of my son Nikitka last October. I well not hid that it is difficult for me. But I always reach my objectives. My aim for today is to get Master’s Degree, to bring up the child and to final the jib according to my heart.