Volkova Kseniya Vladimirovna Ecological and geological factors of development and of expluatation of mineral resourses Biography Volkova Kseniya Vladimirovna

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Minining geological faculty

Department "Mineral resourses and ecological geology"

Group EG-00

The subject of magistr's project: "Ecological and geological factors and legal aspects of development and of expluatation of mineral resourses of Donetsk region"

The scientific chief: professor of department Volkova Tatyana Petrovna


I was born in December 29, 1983 in Donetsk.

My first years of childhood I spent at home. I was nurtured by all members of our family. Each of them attempted to give me all best. My father, Volkov Vladimir Grigorievich , had imparted to me love to a home cosiness and automobiles. My mother, Volkova Tatyana Petrovna, attempted from early childhood to gob up in me such qualities, as feeling of the responsibility, debt, love to family. My brother, Volkov Anton Vladimirovich, always preserved and protected me.

Since 1987 I visited kindergarten "Hitrie Lesyata". My early experience of dialogue with other people was obtained there. In spite of the fact that it was only preschool putting, in this period of my life the intrigues, quarrel, friendship and love took place.

After kindergarden I visited school ¹35 in Donetsk. It was in 1989 year. My parents had chose this physical and mathematical school because my brother studied there.

In initial classes the new friends and new enemies, new impressions and new hobbies had appeared. Since 1992 for 1995 at our school the numerous olympiads and competitions were conducted. The first successes and victories were made in the field of the literature and language, sport and humour.

From the ninth class and up to the end of school my daggings were English language, law and ecology.

In school I was interested in ecological problems of Donbass very much. So I had chose ecological geology as my professional specialization.

The decision to join only in Donetsk National Technical University did not require durable discussion, and in 2000 I became the student this university.

The studing at the university has brought new daggings and successes. At the end of the first course I participated in eleventh ukranian scientific conference of the post-graduate students and aspirant " Protection of an ambient environment and rational usage of natural resources" with the report on the subject of: " Ecological safety in exploration of rare-metallic deposits".

The brightest event of the second course was practice, which one had taken place in mountains of Crimea and at coast of the Black sea.

In April 15-17, 2003 had taken place the second international conference of the post-graduate students and aspirants "Protection of an ambient environment and rational usage of natural resources", in the scientific reports collection in which was printed my article "Ecological and geological researches of "black sands" products of the Azov sea". The participation in the eleventh international conference of the students, aspirants and young scientists "Lomonosov" had brought the positive results, namely publication in the scientific theses collection of the Moscow State University by M.V.Lomonosov.

After graduating four courses of university, I have decided to receive more high level of education and have joined the magistracy. Diplom project of magistrant differs from the ordinary diplom project, that gives ability to consider a selected problem from all points of view. In choosing a subject of my diplom project I took into account not only urgency of a problem, but also expediency of its development for Donbass region. Therefore the subject of my diplom project is "Ecological and geological factors and legal aspects of development and of expluatation of mineral resourses of Donetsk region".

To choose scientific chief is very important. My scientific chief - Volkova Tatyana Petrovna, who is professor and my mother. She has two higher educations, one of which the engineer - mathematician, and second - geologist, in 1984 she had entered a post-graduate course of Donetsk Polytechnic Institute.Her professional opencast had started in 1989, when she had received a degree of the candidate of geologic sciences. Now, Volkova Tatyana Petrovna writes the tutorial "Mathematical methods in ecological geology".

Ecological geology is very actual now because of intensive development of a mining-and-geological complex and because of ecological problems. Not only goverment, but also each conscientious citizen of Ukraine, must pay the special attention to this. We must save and protect nature and ambient environment of the Earth for the future generations. My professional future I see in the field of development of legal support of an ecology. Thus, the ecological geology is very necessary for modern society.

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